Hi all, I'm new on this forum, I'm a great fan of Infinity Universe Here you can see one of my painting job Hope you like it! Comments are welcome!! Cheers
good nicle done . looks like caind of Studio PJ made on one go o w8 .. " Bellerofonte Art Studio" ye i was right before i check who made thous XD any way Umbra is made in best way and drones in a hurry way :) - over all good studio job - you not gona win a painting competition with this but on table is a blast
Hi Maru, really thank you :) Yes, I know, that miniatures are a Game Level commission , not for competition, I paint also for competition with better level :) Thank you again!
Splendid paint job mate. Maru is always complaining. Even though some areas are "rushed", you hardly ever see such lovely miniatures on the table. Great job.
Says you, Maru. These models won the contest for my heart, lol. This is FAR better than a game level commission. I'm a commission painter in my spare time - and if someone expects this quality for "tabletop", they are going to be very disappointed with what they get. When my clients ask for tabletop quality, they get this and this. My base rate for that is $1/mm on the base (so a model on a 25mm base costs $25). Am I charging too much?
Hi, really thank, I'm happy that you like my job. About commission paint job, is my full time work, and for this quality I ask 35 euro each infantry, so the prices depends by a lot of things :)
Ahhh, yeah. It's definitely NOT my full time job. 35 euro is about $55/model - so yeah, definitely worth a paint job like this, that's for sure. I was worried that you were charging an equivalent for what i'm offering, and thought "Wow.. i'm kinda ripping my clients off..." lol.
LOL ahahaha :D yes, my price includ assembling, basing, painting. and TAXES ahaha :D so is for sure less cheap then your!
They look really good. Do you have a blog or even better a YouTube channel with some painting videos to watch?