What are dodge (0.4) dodge (+3)? I presume this is kinematica and hyperdynamics, but if so where are the rules for them in the pdf. This is whilst set to Inches, is army bugged for distance or is that intended.
The .4 (and 1.6 in forward deployment) are bugs. Default inch unit was put in the meter unit, and then divided out from there. Dodge (+1") and Dodge (+3 to roll) are how it should be.
Dodge (0.4) is a bug, it should be Dodge (1"). You're looking for p60, Skills and Equipment, which explains MODs in unit profiles.
Which one? It might help to just copy past the text from the page and strip out the misguided formatting on that page... First and foremost is identifying the Modifiers or MODs, (+) bonus or (-) penalties that appear in Unit Profiles: •A positive MOD (+) in round brackets next to a Special Skill, Weapon, or Equipment will be applied only to the user of that Special Skill, Weapon, or Equipment. •A negative MOD (-) in round brackets next to a Special Skill, Weapon, or Equipment will be applied only to enemies. •The value of an Attribute, Burst, Damage, etc. in round brackets next to a Special Skill, Weapon, or Equipment will be applied only when using that Special Skill, Weapon or Equipment. Note: Those MODs modifying the Burst (B) value are only applied in the Active Turn. MODs imposed by Skills, Special Skills, or pieces of Equipment may be applied to their users, or to those enemy Troopers acting against them, in several different ways. For example: ► BS Attack (+1B) means that, when its user declares a BS Attack in their Active Turn, they must apply a +1 MOD to their BS Weapon’s Burst. They may not, however, apply this MOD during their Reactive Turn if they declare a BS Attack ARO. ► Mimetism (-3) means that a Trooper declaring BS Attack or Discover against the user must apply an additional -3 MOD to their Roll. ► Combat Jump (PH=10) means that, when performing the PH Roll required by this Skill, a PH value of 10 must be applied instead of the user’s PH Attribute. So Dodge(+3) is the first bullet point, a positive modifier that applies to the user of the skill. Dodge(+1") is from the third bullet point.
It would be nice if they had a note that said that '+1" adds 1" to the distance you dodge' or whatever. I knew it from a video, but maybe it's not as clear as it could be for others.
I'm not sure it's that unclear. The positive MOD means you apply it to yourself. What do you apply? +1". What does "plus one inch" mean? Looking at the skill, we see that Dodge allows you to move 2 inches on success. It can really only mean that you add one to that value. If it's missing the "inch" indicator, I'd say that's a typo, not an inadequate explanation.
It’s entirely inadequate. Or entirely lacking in any explanation, if we’re talking about (1”). We understand it because of the video and our knowledge of the relevant N3 skills; somebody coming to this game for the first time has very little chance of grasping this from the get go, I can guarantee it. Even if it is much easier to remember once you got it (I still like this presentation despite losing some cool vocab).
Yeah, they should have a little section just like Forward Deployment, just to make it clear. Some of this will be helped once they clean up some typos and link the wiki, of course.
Right now is only Dodge(1). But it must be Dodge(+1"). If they only write Dodge(1") we won't know if it replaces or adds to it {either Dodge(+1") or Dodge(=1")} If it replaces, and we consider that as a penalty MOD (because it is lower than normal), then does it apply to the enemy ? Meaning the enemy can't dodge as far when we attack him ?
So in the end it boils down to the fact that it would have been clearer if it said Dodge(+1" movement)instead of just Dodge(+1")Right? Or is the complaint that for cases like Forward Deployment(+8") the skill description has a statement saying "The number of inches that those Troopers may deploy beyond their Deployment Zone appears between round brackets in their Unit Profile" and Dodge should say something similarly explicit? Where are you seeing it displayed as just Dodge(1) or whatever without the +? Do you need to see screenshots of the profiles demonstrating that the screenshot at the top of the thread is or was the result of a bug or incorrect entry?
For what it's worth, it says "Dodge(+1")" in my app, both before I reloaded the app to see the new Shanger profile and just now after I got the updated database.
I'm starting to wonder whether it wouldn't be better to just calculate the modifier in and display Dodge (3"), Dodge (4") etc. – I currently can't remember anything reducing the base dodge of 2"…? I'm aware that would somewhat reduce the possibility of adding a skill that reduces dodge distance.
It was, indeed, a data entry error. Nourkias had Dodge (+3) and Dodge (2) on his skill bar yesterday. I just reloaded the page now and it switched to Dodge (+3) and Dodge (+2"). It should at least be less confusing now.
the screenshot was a bug, IJW corrected it saying it was meant to be Dodge(1"), I didn't check the app. (i only loaded the app at its announcement and it was buggy as hell so I didn't take anything in account, giving them time to iron out the glitches)
The app seems to have the correct values for at least some of the units that have the wrong values on the web version (Nourkias' Dodge increase and Caliban's/Ko Dali's FD increases). They seem to be pulling from different databases, or at least pulling differently from the same database.
I'm assuming the web version is reading the imperial value 1, thinking its metric and so converting it into imperial again ending up with 0.4