I mean, they're not as terrible as a CBL could have been, and that is officially the nicest thing I can say about them. Mostly, it's just disappointing that outside of accessing a TAG with ISS units and some weird links, they aren't really presenting anything new or interesting to the formula. Basically just a random smattering of ISS units, a couple of non-standard links and... Still feels wrong to use CBL's to represent hyper-specific unit configurations for existing sectorials, to the point where I'm just not sure what the point of CBL's really even is any more. Also, I'm glad they're really leaning in to the whole genocide thing. Butchers of Motobushima? Sign me up! (by which I mean the exact opposite) Missed opportunity not to give all the included profiles Frenzy! Either way, my whelm factor is still pretty well under. CBL's weren't really an exciting prospect when we had assumed they were IA-related. Producing some "well, I guess they aren't bad" CBL's for an existing sectorial just feels terribly low effort as a "bone" to throw to a faction that's kind of hurting right now.
I'll happily inflict any of these CBLs on my gaming group should be a laugh, good excuse to get my guijia out of storage, will make a change from the usual kuang shi shuffle.