Something I noticed when making WB or IA lists with Shang Ji. It’s cool that they all have TacAware. However, it also kind of sucks they all have TacAware! Yes, you get more orders out of them but then, you must use those orders on troops that you don’t really want to use on. For example, you have a SJ troop with APHMG+FOx2+Hacker+HRL. Sometimes you are not going to want to use the FO, so you need to think about using it right away for just movement. He’s not the one I want shooting down the board. There’s going to be times where you really don’t want to use those orders because you are where you want to be and doing anything else might actively hurt you. Then it’s a waste of those orders. So, I think, you just need to remember to use those orders correctly to be effective with them. Use the TA orders you don’t think you need later on. There are certainly worse problems than having wasted orders. But I would have liked some of them to be cheaper because they Don't have those orders. Right now I can only see myself using maybe two SJ most of the time.