I just hope he gets a profile tweak in N5. While the decrease of direct templates will help him in N5, he is definitely missing something.
So, I decided to see what exactly is going away in N5 from PanO. This seems to be the list: Retired units: Acontecimento Regulars Akalis Kirpal Singh Stephen Rao Bagh-mari Guarda de Assalto Dragoes Auxilia Hexas Uhlans Squalos Echo Bravo Kamau Returning units: Father knights Unmotorized Knight of Montessa. Most of the cut units have relatively close parallel remaining: Acontecimento Regulars - Fennec Fusiliers. Basic light infantry, accustomed to fighting in an environment that sucks. Akalis and Kirpal Singh - Banshees. Bread and butter parachutists. The lack of a banshee character is rather unfortunate, they should not have retired Kirpal Singh. Stephen Rao and Bagh-Mari - Nisses Guarda de Assalto - Drummers. Rather heavy armoured for drummers, but they come with a bot much like them. Or loan the bot to a drummer and go Orc/Griffin Auxilia - the better fit for Drummers. Also come with a bot. Hexas - Black AIR. "These operatives navigate morally grey areas". Or Blinks, actually. Echo-bravo - Banshees. Another essential parachutist. Kamau - The better Black AIR. Looks closer to it, but has loadouts that the Black AIR does not. Dragoes, Uhlans, Squalos - one of the other PanO TAGs of similar size. In particular Uhlans - Tikbalang. I still find their removal from the game a bit puzzling. Overall, the usability of the miniatures is not lost. They will look well like what they stand for and some do look better than the new miniatures if you ask me. The gameplay remains to be seen and whether vanilla PanO will allow enough versatility to represent the playstyles of the removed sectorials.
Ooookay. All 6 of my armies that survived the Churn have landed. Spoiler: My armies being: vanilla Haqq Hassassin Bahram Ramah Task Force Qapu Khalqi Corregidor Druze Bayram Now I wonder what to do with the orphaned miniatures from my StarCo: Riot Grrls (formerly, N2-era Azra'il, 6 of them) Uhahu Emily Handleman Hardcase Irmandinhos (2 of them) Raoul Spector Highlander Cateran Corporate Security Units (3 of them) Wardriver I'm already pretty well-covered when it comes to Authorized Bounty Hunters for my Druze. Ideas? I mean, I'm after constructive ideas here. Putting the miniatures in a box labellled "retired models" is the very last resort.
Probably not what you're after but the second-hand market in Infinity is pretty great, imho. Sell them and get new stuff? Corporate Security are good proxies for any new seasonal profiles I find. Riot Girl can be a good Mobile Brigada and Caterans sniper stand-ins for pretty any LI sniper.
Thank you for your insight :) Problem being, I'm well-covered in Mobile Brigada and LI snipers for the factions I play. I might start Dahshat (between all the Haqq I own, I already have a lion's share of it), that'll take care of the Cateran and potentially the Azra'il Riot Grrls (with some converting, they can become Terracota Soldiers: weapons-wise, the up-to-date Terracota soldiers lacked the Azra'il Panzerfausts / Riot Grrl Blitzens, and I might keep the guns they have now: mercs may pack non-issue weapons). And Uhahu, well, migh end relegated to vanilla HVT duty.
Figured I'd break this one down in particular. Sadly, the Drummers really, really don't do the jobs of Auxilia or the GDA. They're still great; excellent supporting gunners, but both Auxilia and GDA were frontline fighters and objective grabbers who used their bot to clear the way as a pseudo-Warband. The Drummer is sadly too expensive for this role, especially given many HI and good MI have received points cuts, and has all the valuable tools on the "expendable" bot that stops working if the glorified Fusilier pushing it dies. The potential exception is the Drummer FO, who can do the breach-and-clear game while still having a scoring Specialist out of the line of fire, but that profile is still about 5pts pricier than its Auxilia equivalent. Also, special note on Hexas: if you were using them as reactive Snipers, Blinks are better by far. But don't forget Hexas were one of the game's first KHD carriers, and were aggressively priced for one with Hidden Deployment. If PanO has actual Hacking game again after the disaster of N4's Hacking balance, you'll really be feeling the points squeeze shelling out for a Scarecrow with its expensive Infiltration and expanded combat kit to do the job of a backliner- or take something obvious and without the stats to protect itself from enemy Hackers. PanO's defensive KHD access is awful across the board, which makes me suspect we're going to see another edition of KHDs doing nothing in reactive given how many other factions have received Pitcher access on devoted Hacking troops- CB clearly haven't forgotten Hacking, they just seem to want everyone to use it offensively.
I believe you are taking on the problem from two, vastly different, viewpoints. @UpirLihi is talking about repurposing the existing Accontaciemento miniatures in one's collection for use with N5 PanO / KCF. at the same time, you're addressing the role given units were playing in old PanO. and as far as I can see, I'm standing on @UpirLihi 's side of this dispute: it is about what you gonna do with your ol' mandollies.
My suggestions: Riot Grrls (formerly, N2-era Azra'il, 6 of them) Jannisaries or Zuyong Uhahu Laxmee Irmandinhos (2 of them) Monstruckers Raoul Spector Nahab Wardriver Al'hawwa
Yes, Errhile is correct. I was addressing the use of the physical models themselves. Playstyle and tactical use remains to be seen when N5 drops, but I agree with your assessment at this point, Owl.
Ah- in that case, I'm a little confused about my Hexa Spitfire. A Nokk, maybe? They kinda suck, though. The Uhlan is also probably a better fit for the Squalo MK2 Grenade Launcher than the actual model is.
Agreed for the Uhlan. Particular weapon load outs, like the hexa spitfire are a problem. Newer units tend to have less options in the weapon department, I feel.
There's that Multi RF on Hetkari which falls into the same category, Bulleteer and Peacemaker, and we don't know what Minimus and Father-Knight will use
Two more retired units seem to be Kendrat and Sargosh. Sargosh... no one loved Sargosh, or the jayth, as a matter of fact. They had decent lore though. Kendrat is weird, she had her fans, featured in Defiance. Furthermore the renegades are now only in Ikari and the morats, so we've gone almost full circle. Rather puzzling.
No more combat Sheskin, no more Kendrat... no more Jan Staar, technically. I think they take the occasion to remove all never releases Defiance, which seems logic after 6 years.
Why it is logical that I loose models that I bought over an expensive KS and are exclusive/lim. ed.. That means a lim.ed. model has also a very lim.ed lifespan ... what is not good for me as a customer.