+1 to placing buildings diagonally rather than parallel to the board edges, it really improves a board.
Did several more matches with updated terrain positioning over the weekend and a focus on using more HMG and Spitfire units for headhunting Snipers. I tried a 36x36 table with very dense scenery at an angle and while it kept the snipers from having an outsize impact on the game, I actually found that with the shorter length and sightlines, it was almost impossible to get a shot beyond 18", so I tried to find a sweet spot and opened up the board to be about 36x54 with 12" deployment zones and a more sparse terrain setup than I'd been doing. It's not a 'standard' table size, but it ended up being a happy medium of some longer range shots under the right circumstances, which really made the various range bands feel more consequential. Now the only trick is that YuJing still won 3 games in a row... mostly because it seems that going 2nd in the game means you can make a big last-round push for objectives, and coincidentally they were the 2nd player in all the games and won on the last round each time (capturing/hacking terminals)
Just want to drop in to say its really cool to see the discussion and onboarding of advice in this thread. Its really heartwarming :) Hope you're enjoying code 1 @Lawson. Terrain is a big part of infinity and can be a bit of a dark art building tables which provide a good setting for games, but once you start getting a few of the key concepts it becomes quite a natural and fast process.