I wonder where those 30 points the Blue Wolf costs over the HB TAG went Also, that render screams C+ to me, kinda dissapoibted it didn't get it
Yes, its called the blue wolf. The Blue wolf gets +6 CC, a DA CCW and more importantly FULL AUTO LV 1, which is hella expensive. Maybe you guys forgot about having the only TAG in the game with Full Auto?
It is so pretty I am sure they removed I-Khol from the game because this boy had to gain a few levels.
Didn't know ARM 6 was 2 points higher than ARM 6. And it's 30 points, kind of a massive difference there even if BW was indeed ARM 8.
I thought it had arm 8. lol Then its 100% the CC skill and Full auto lvl 1. You pay for what you get.
I hope CB decides to make the tag with its pilot (so far only the iguana had it in the box) anyone know when we can see its N4 stats and price I doubt the tags will remain as expensive as N3
I know you like to troll us YJ players, but I'm pretty sure even you can't honestly believe FA1, 6 CC and a DA CCW cost 30 points
What? I no troll.......... Wait, isn't the Haqq Tag with N4 stats? That means the Blue Wolf might get a price reduction.
That's exactly my same thought when I watched the Haqq TAG's profile. I went to check the Blue wolf profile and I can't really see how's there such a big difference in cost for the few additional stats and skills the YJ TAG gets.
Code One TAGs don't have pilots, so unlikely to be in the same box. Also, Iguana doesn't have a pilot, it's an Operator that follows different rules.
Yes, that's what I'm hoping, that's a massive price reduction, although I would prefer to keep the price and get some fun goodies like C+ or some kind of camo as they would suit it perfectly.
I'm guessing the Blue Wolf will see a bit of a price reduction, but it doesn't just get 6 extra CC, a DA CCW and Full Auto. It also has an extra two inches of MOV, Hyperdynamics (letting it dodge at PH15), Kinematica, Multi-Terrain, ECM, and an Akrylat-Kanon. The Shakush does get a Gizmokit-- not sure how much that will cost. Most players will probably never use Multiterrain or ECM, but that's a separate discussion I guess.
When comparing the Gecko profile with the new Haqq TAG once again it makes the Gecko look bad. There must be some point reduction for TAGs in N4.