Hello All, Since I began playing Infinity; it's been my dream to recreate a Blade Runner style environment on the tabletop. A couple of weeks ago, I decided to take the plunge. I purchased a couple of terrain bundles from Knights of Dice and just got them all assembled. I threw them down on a mat to get an idea of terrain density and it looks like I am in need of a couple more buildings to get that crowded feeling I want. For scatter, I'll be adding food stands, dumpsters, trash bins, bikes, buses, cars, bus stops, signage (tons of it), parking meters and large streetlights. I also wanted a more detailed and realistic surface so I ordered some city themed tiles to build a real board. I am especially fond of the escalators as they add terrain features without being buildings. The tiles are arriving this weekend and I will endeavor to assemble all of them next week. I'll try to post regular updates as I go but I am hoping to have it all complete in the next few weeks to play a game at the end of the month. Please let me know what you think, I am happy to hear from more experienced players about the playability of this proposed set up. https://imgur.com/a/VUUEAOs
Paging @Section9 to remind us about those Blade Runner scatter things he has suggested before, don't recall exactly what that was, something on Shapeways i think Good luck!
I'm digging your Ben Grimm themed corner, it distracted me from the table haha That looks really decent. I know Zen Terrain has some good dive bars, motorcycles, food stands, neon signs and such. I think Bandua also sells a sign set? I think those would bring out the Blade-Runner-y ness of it a lot. One of my dreams for a table like this is to buy a cheap anime figurine, spray it with primer and then give it coats of progressively lightening airbrush from only above so that it looks like an analog hologram. Maybe you can do something with that idea as it seems fairly out of my league at the moment!
Ah, thanks! Yeah I am an original art collector too. In that shot you can see; Alan Davis, Art Baltazar, Jimmy Cheung, Kevin Nowlan, John Byrne, Stuart Immonen amongst others.
Ok big stuff is all assembled. Here are some pics of a quick layout. I wanted to get a better sense of terrain density with the roads and escalators etc added. I’m pretty happy with the volume and concentration of buildings. Once I add in signage and scatter I think it will be really playable. https://imgur.com/a/jh9PPkm
Beautiful lay out! This table should be a dream to play on once its all painted up. Hope you got a good source for food trucks, garbage collectors, and of course a traffic jam! Suggestion for scatter: modeling dollys with muscular painted flesh color (reaper makes some) placed in dice boxes. You can get that glass box advert look from Zhoras scene. Make it into a shakable snoglobe (there are examples via google) for extra points! Sent from my SM-J320P using Tapatalk
Really cool idea but to be honest I am not that crafty! I have some holographic trees, shrubs and some vehicles to add though.
The table is looking great! You have me very close to placing a large order from knights of dice. But i want to see more and some point on it. The moduler board also looks very good Def better then game Mats but harder to store.
Thanks! I am happy with it. I can add that the models from KoD went together really easily and I had really fast shipping to the US from Australia. Everything is in primer now and painting begins this weekend. It's been way too humid where I live to do any airbrushing!
Ok the weather cooperated for a few hours on Saturday so I was able to airbrush all the tiles. Sample here: https://imgur.com/a/iiGyYyF I’m going to detail (brush paint/wash/weather) all the tiles next. Once the actual “table” is done I will move on to the buildings and then scatter elements. I was also able to build a large Torii, some dumpsters and trash cans from Miniature Scenery last night. All in all, good progress but still a ton of work to do.
Big update today. I got a lot of painting done and I wanted to stage the table to get a better idea of the finished look. I would say this is about 70% complete. Several buildings left to paint and weather and adding all the neon signs. Some Ikari Warriors (who won their first game yesterday) for scale. https://imgur.com/a/esErXdJ