Here's a list of potential candidates, feel free to vote for some. Ariadna IntelSpecOp ParaCommandos PolarisTeamBear SAS Vokolak Zenit7 Combined Army Jayth Noctifers Tensho Haqq Rahman Saladin Shakush Shujae YaraHaddad NA2 KuroshiRider Monstertruckers VariagianGuard Nomads Jazz Sombras Szalamandra WildcatsFemale WildcatsMale O12 Bluecoats Casanova KatherineCho Lawkeepers LawkeepersMotorcycle Lynx Nyokas Bronzes Nyoka Raptor Omega PsiCops Razor Saladin Zeta Pano BlackFriars Coadjutor Commander Cutters Infirmarers KaldstromFusilier KOJ Lundmark Mendoza Montesa Motorised Nokken Santiago ShonaCarano TertiaranTrinitarian Teutonic Uma Vargar WinterOrc Toha Chaksa YuJing BlueWolf Daofei Guilang Hundun JingQo Jujak Mehmut Ninja Oniwaban WBZhanshi WuMing YanHuo Yaokong YeMao YishengFemale ZhanshiFemale Obviously I won't do everything, this list is based on model I already have workable material, and will prioritize based two factors: factions with fewer models already available and latest releases.
The beta page has been updated: - entries are now generated from an XML file, which makes life easier for me when adding new profiles - most profiles have been reworked to get color zoning more detailed instead of basic one color one zone Feedback is more than welcome before updating the prod version.
Added a secondary BETA available on the main page. This one is use the same content of the first one but with all PNG files being optimized using PNGGauntlet. Size saving has been incredible, dropping from a general 170 MB to 22 MB. So I expect a reduced loading time and a better experience.