So we should be able to just log in with last campaigns Username and Password right? Or do we have to re-sign up? I never can remember from campaign to campaign.
I got a confirmation email that my username registered, but am unable to browse the site in a logged-in state
I keep trying to register with my old username, but if I try and register it says there is an account with that name already. If I try and log in, it says there is no account with that user name or any of my email addresses. Lol
NA2, they're outwardly a Mercenary company who are totally not under the control of a nefarious alien Illuminati.
We (and this means Koni, the campaign moderators and me) haven't even discussed about it yet. Anyway, I personally prefer to see how this first week of the campaign begins and the ammount of players/reports before considering any report banning. Anyway, the initial advantage of the factions in their locations, those 9 points, are a patch that doesn't count towards the final campaign result. When the AI historians make the final resume, those points are removed and only the comanders efforts are noted. I don't know if I have expressed myself correctly and if I have satisfyingly answered your question... sorry.