Pre HSN3 Asawira were a lot better for Vanilla players. Now they are golden for HB. A lot cheaper with with more Skills and superb BTS helps to field a Link of them. I miss WIP 15 a lot, but overall they got better. Especially the Assault has helped me a lot against TO models and the 2 extra inch for Engage can be very useful. Regeneration sadly costs a lot but rarely comes into play. When it does, you have good odds but I just cant make those damn Regeneration rolls^^
He is was very fine, yes, but today he is very good aswell, but still idk if I like to run him solo on or in a duo/haris? any1 made some good experiences and maybe ideas?
I agree, that's the way to play Asawira now. I used to run the Doctor as a solo specialist, but with Frenzy that's a lot less useful now.
My first game I used a doc, however I asked myself how usefull a doc is with two dogged and 1 regeneration unit. Or do you use him as a specialist?
Well, doc+ is twice less likely to fail compared to regeneration, so there's that. Dogged on muyibs is highly circumstantial, I'd say. And ofc you probably need specialist there. The way I see it, if you take a mid-ranged haris, you do it because there's an objective to secure there.
Its always good to have a Doc with you. Especially when the Haris profile gets down, rerollable 17 almost guarantee that you can rebuild the Link. A specialist is also pretty good in many missions for a team that will go forward and you have a Doc ready in range for Experimental Drug. I prefer a BSG Asawira Doc in the Link, because a Muyib one dies to easy. It also gives you a BS 14 cqb unit that can deal with heavies. The third is mission dependent, Leila if theres bonuses for Hackers, Muyib Minelayer if you have to control zones or ti keep the link safe in reactive generally. A HRL if its a killy mission.
I don't play Hassa, but my preferred loadouts if I were to would be Haris + doctor (muyib if I really need the points, Asawira if I can afford him) + rotating muyib (any of them have a use, plus leyla. Yasbir... I don't think so).
I second the notion that Asa doc is worth considering, especially since missions you want to use this haris in often suggest you have to have some survivability in the midfield. It's going to be hella expensive element in your army though. Additionally, Muyib LGL is also not useless in that Haris, considering it provides smoke and will likely be in range for you to use Spec Fire. The only issue here is that LGLs would rather prefer 5 man link bonus, but more opportunities to fire from good range may compensate for lack of it. If you go for it, it's probably worth it to have Farzan FO there somewhere and hope that there's a reason for your opponent to push forward with his Core if he has it.
Yes, the Haris is expensive with the second Asawira, but sometimes you just want that. I have fond memories of a Deadly Dance game, where the Haris made it onto the central building, dispose of a TO camo model on there by Assaulting it, then dodge its mine in the order after an then dominate the far left quadrant. It was expensive enough to dominate it against a TAG, as long a I managed to snipe of anything else in the quadrant:-D Yeah, I forgot the LGL...could be interesting too, but since I havent got the orders most of the time for Speculative shots and Smoke comes from Ghazi, he never makes it. But I love the new model from the starter...too bad.
Asawira doc with 2 nasmats and BSG or AP Rifle/LSG? Does it work? idk, the spitfire looks that juicy @Palomides
If you have servitors, no linking for you, nor Coordinated Orders. Period (you can if those remotes are in a Null state, however)
I know, but he has good offensive power in BS (BS 14 is fine, but only B3 max, if you have nasmats), but good CC impact with your nasmats
Frenzy makes that too risky for me to justify. I have used the spitfire + bsg asa doc and e/m minelayer. I absolutely loved it. Played quadrant control?: Supported Haris with ghulam link + ghazi ... can’t remember what else. Ran the Haris up opponent’s flank (PanO), Ignored turn 1 laid down a mine turn 2 Mine went off in reactive turn, immobilizing Joan Rolled over everything that stood in the path of my spitfire turn 3 = Really really fun.
Its most probably like with almost anything in Infinity, you can make it work. Somethings just are a little more complicated. In vanilla I could envision him for ZO missions as backline defender and a big chunk of points in a Zone close to your DZ. Or under smoke cover, to punch someone out of a Zone in Cc with his Nasmat.
Guess planting mine at corner without LoF and then getting around with BSG and getting worst case scenario, 3 rolls on 20 and a mine, he has to make a really good dodge, if he shoots... well, you don't need to calculate to get the outcome
Well, that is exactly what I meant by "aggressively planting". I thought the original statement sounded like it was stepped on by the opponent. Oh well, assumptions... I'm just a bit too used to people referring to minelayer Muyib as to means of that Haris to stay alive in reactive turn, which suggests planting mines defensively.