Arslan from CanCon

Discussion in 'Druze Bayram Security' started by TheDiceAbide, Jan 27, 2019.

  1. KedzioR_vo

    KedzioR_vo Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    True, @colbrook !
    Arslan has one big advantage, which also is his biggest flaw - he looks almost like in comic book:

    He is lightly dressed, just like in the drawings. It's nice, but also he wouldn't look to good between his Druze friends. And why he's not wearing armour? I think it's because he has some nano-implants, like Odalisques. You can see on his neck or his hands in the sketches that he looks like he was given some artificial enhancements. I think it wouldn't be weird in Druze Bayram to buy themselves some better options to survive - and their boss surely has resources for it ;)

    It'd be sweet if the mini also shown some of his not-so-normal-body-build ;)

    Still, for now I'll stay with my converted Arslan. He won't be on my "must buy first" list ;)

    PozdRawiam / Greetings
  2. chromedog

    chromedog Less than significant minion

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I wasn't that careful about removing the manbun from mine. I slipped and took the entire head off instead. Still, can't make an omelette without breaking a few heads.
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  3. Shoitaan

    Shoitaan Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Ok. I’ve slept. The baby has slept. The critical work stuff has been done. Time to procrastinate by arguing on the internet. Everyone’s favourite pastime.

    I’ll preface this by saying that I still do not believe anything I’ve said warrants the ridiculous reaction of OldGregg. Nor do I believe it was inherently homophobic (or at least intentionally homophobic) given I provided two examples in the same comment. One portraying an image of a bogun (aka white trailer trash the stereotype portays them as identifying as heterosexual and homophobic) and the other of a gay man at a dance club (EDM’s impact has been well documented as being important gay culture particularly in metropolitan areas). Given I’ve offered both extremes while only one of them used a derogatory term (bogun) I don’t believe I’ve said anything offensive towards homosexual people.

    I never [intended to?] insinuated that Arslan looked terrible because he looked homosexual. Anyone that perceived that is intentionally misreading my statement. I’m saying, in no uncertain terms, that he looks ridiculous because he’s dressed like a man (who I identified as being homosexual) dancing at an EDM club while on the battlefield. It’s the same logic that made the Tech bee so dumb because she’s effectively dressed as stripper in an active combat situation. Its ridiculous. The attire is for an occasion that is a farcry from the high risk combat situation they are in and that is what I am mocking.

    But offence is not to be determined by the person offending, its to be determined by the person being offended. So with that in mind, if an LGBTQI+ member of our community has been offended by my statement, I offer my sincerest apologies and invite you to shoot me a message about it if you want to chat further (Keep in mind I’m GMT+10 and dealing with sick kids so long responses will incur delays particularly as my PC has friend in the heat).

    Overzealous Allies however is a different matter.

    @oldGregg –I genuinely applaud you for your defence of minorities in our community. As a dark skinned, muslim man, its genuinely wonderful to be in a place where people are passionate about inclusivity. I don't know if you noticed, but certainly to me, large parts of nerd culture skew hard right so its not always a pleasant place. So thank you for striving to make it better.
    However, in this situation I sincerely believe you’ve completely overstepped the mark with the intensity and tone of your remarks.

    If you had simply said something like “It’s potentially offensive to call him a gay clubber, just say clubber because that’s basically the dress of a stereotypical EDM douche at a festival anyway” (at least in Australia where its’ retardedly hot during our summer festivals), I would have totally accepted that. Because in hindsight, yes, gay clubber, straight clubber, seal clubber dancing at a rave, whatever the case: Arslan looks like he’s super into EDM and his ‘wedge formation’ gesture kind of makes him look like he’s dancing very poorly while under the influence. His sexuality shouldn't factor into how terrible he dresses when he dances. Maybe you don’t see the club/EMD imagery. I accept its weird but that’s where my brain goes. Being a fan of EDM, that’s what he reminded me of straight away.

    But you didn’t approach it like that. You flat out accused me of discrimination and got more emotive and borderline hysterical with your comments and accusations in the space of 2-3 relatively benign comments. As someone that works in an organisation that funds suicide prevention campaigns in LGBTQI+ youths (amongst other things), I can’t help but get defensive.

    For context, I’m quite a left leaning person but I think this video summarises my position well. Its only 7.5 minutes and I find it pretty funny. I think it should make it clear why I take offence to the tone and intensity of your accusations more than anything else.

    Once/If you watch that, lets get to your comments. There’s a lot of emotion to unpack here and I’m not interested in getting quagmired in understanding each others feelings because we’re clearly not at the same energy levels. Lets keep it to the facts that I can discern here:

    • I'm not deliberately misreading here.
    Extremely debatable but we can skip this.

    Do you want me to stop calling you out on your bullshit because it makes you feel uncomfortable?
    Challenge me. I’m always open to civil debate. However I will not tolerate full hysterics which I believe your comments are well over the border on. More on this at the end of my post.

    • How about putting your comments, (yes all of them on this thread), into perspective? Try to understand the message you're sending to others who may want to join our community and the kind of attitude you're promoting.
    Ok. Here’s the thing. You’ve never clearly explained your perspective. You’ve stamped your foot down saying what I said was discrimination without ever arguing your case. Clearly explaining why what I said and the series of comments is full blown discrimination against the LGBTQI+ communities. It just is!
    That’s extremely silly. However, I’ll do you a solid and reflect:

    As mentioned above, there’s no reason to assume that Arslan is dressed like a particular sexuality. He generically looks like an EDM douche. Manbun and everything. The stereotype that homosexual men are more into EDM than heterosexual ones is a stereotype from the 90’s and was used sometimes in extremely negative ways. Its spiritually no different from saying something like ‘black people like chicken’. Everyone fucking likes chicken but bringing black people into this context fuels racial stereotypes from days gone past. Same with the gay clubber/club go-er whatever is the correct English here. Lot of people love EDM to bits, myself included but bring the association with homosexual community here is not necessary in the context of dissing EDM douche Arslan.
    I hope you're content with my reflection.

    Now in return, I ask you to reflect on the impression you may give to someone in our community who feels like they're going to get personally attacked and accused of some high level shit based on a stray remark. I ask you in return to reflect on whether your tone and remarks actually matched the crime or whether you could have approach the situation any differently.
    • While you're at it, take the time to look in the mirror; Are you homophobic for any good reason? Let me answer that for you; No. If you want to have the topic dropped, realize your own ignorance and step away from the keyboard. Don't post another related comment here.
    • All of these bullets, grouped, and in your voice, ring with the sound of naive prejudice.
    • He doesn't appear to want to end the hate, however.
    This is just pure emotional ranting at this point and I see no good reason to respond to anything in here. Honestly. If this wasn’t on the internet and a normal conversation as someone’s house, would this be the tone and language you’d be taking? How am I supposed to take melodramatic statements like this seriously in a civil conversation? It’s hard not to treat the situation as a farcical one given you’ve taken the volume to 11 over such a small issue.

    Anyway, I think I've covered all the bases. Is anyone able to tell me, in a non-emotive way, if I've missed something?
    Scrap square, n21lv, Jotunn and 4 others like this.
  4. oldGregg

    oldGregg Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    You’ve offended me. You’ve offended my friends. And then you tried to explain why you haven’t done exactly that.

    This isn’t a small issue. People die for it. There’s nothing civil about it.

    I don’t need to be any more clear than that. @Koni can you put an end to this hatred please?
    TheDiceAbide likes this.
  5. Shoitaan

    Shoitaan Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    It's clear there's not going to a calm and reasonable discussion.

    @Koni: I promise to stop posting on this particular thread about this issue so you don't have to lock unless you really want to. I would appreciate you leaving my comment up as I don't believe I broke forum terms of service in my response above (or even earlier in this topic).
    I'd like my post left up as not only did it take me a while to write up but I feel I've been slandered in this thread and I would like the opportunity to provide some form of defence to that effect remaining published. Please let me know if any specific comments in what I wrote above violated your ToS so I can remove that and left the rest in.

    @oldGregg - I just don't get you in this thread. Nonetheless, I hope we can remain civil to each other in the rest of the discussions in these forums.

    - No more posts from me on this thread.
    Jotunn, Remnar, Foxep and 1 other person like this.
  6. oldGregg

    oldGregg Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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  7. Ixidro

    Ixidro Deep agent infiltrated in PanOceanian HQ

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I'm already in love with this model. It's so crismatic and truly represents Arslan as we know him in the manga. They even sculpted the beard!!!

    I'm a fan of the tank top. If I had the ridiculous amount of money to enhance my body with military grade wetware and subdermal armor plating, I'd honestly show it off. If he considers that he doesn't need more protection, you have to respect that: he's the boss. We haven't considered either that he might run the whole mafia posing as a respectable caravansary disco manager and he needs to look alike.

    P.S.: As a member of the LGTBI+ community I wasn't offended by @Shoitaan 's not-so-politically-correct choice of words because I understand It was for the sake of simplicity and was said without bad intent. I can't accuratelly tell how derogative the term was as english isn't my native language but in the end, to put it in his own words, I'm "determined not to be offended" by it :wink:

    P.S.2: It's nice to have someone like @oldGregg who stands up to defend (maybe too vehemently in this case) how certain identities are misunderstanded and maligned by society. Your friends must be really fortunate to have someone as supportive as you besides them :slightly_smiling_face:

    I hope we could keep the thread focused on what it really matters: Arslan's sexy beard and pose :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
    Sunabe, oldGregg, Fire@Will and 2 others like this.
  8. Guardian

    Guardian Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Dont know whats the big fuss, the model is dope!

    The only other position for his arm couldve been a 'power fist', which we had in abundance so a bit of variety is nice!

    Rad model!
    TheDiceAbide and A Mão Esquerda like this.
  9. Marduck

    Marduck Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I'm waiting to see the actual model before making up my mind. I like his tank top.
    You can probably glue the arm another way so that he looks like he is punching someone in the face or holding a gun gangsta style.

    PS : @Koni I think that as a moderator, if you find a message to be offensive or out of the line you should not just write in red a call to respect but also erase the message and give proper warning or even ban the user who posted it. That's how most of the forum I attend work and toxic behaviour are more rare. If you are the referee you got to draw a red card much more often.

    Not saying this particular message was offensive btw (I don't think it is, I enjoyed the joke, but it's not up to me to decide).
    oldGregg likes this.
  10. Fire@Will

    Fire@Will Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2018
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    Hah! I'm also not personally offended by what was said either, as another of the LGBTQetc community, but I'm glad that there's been a discussion, and I hope that it stays positive - but, I do think that everyone's heart is in the right place. Which isn't always the case in the nerdosphere...

    Also, I approve of the beard. I might even come round to the top knot... ;)
    Shoitaan likes this.
  11. Remnar

    Remnar Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2018
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    Rather than dance club attire, my first impression of the skin tight vest was that of the #1 henchman to the big bad guy in some terrible, cheesy, 80s or early 90s action flick.

    You know the guy who stands around looking smug while our hero (probably Arnold Schwarzenegger or Chuck Norris) mows down his whole army, then dies dramatically after some gloating and taunting.

    The guy with the chainmail vest in Commando immediately popped in my mind.

    I much prefer TheDiceAbide's conversion, as that's what I had in my head (I never read Outrage).

    I'm not a fan of any of the club attire, or lingerie as combat gear aesthetic myself, but to each their own.
    TheDiceAbide and Shoitaan like this.
  12. Foxep

    Foxep Tropical Vet

    Mar 6, 2018
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    You should! Its a nice comic and maybe after reading it you do like this Arslan model :p
  13. Testudo325

    Testudo325 Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Please let him be updated to have grenades...please...
    oldGregg likes this.
  14. oldGregg

    oldGregg Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    I'm pretty sure I just wasn't looking close enough, but it would be sweet!
    Testudo325 likes this.
  15. Testudo325

    Testudo325 Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Stop killing my dreams! haha
    oldGregg likes this.
  16. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I think he's good with 5 different ammo types and an impact template :P
    Foxep and oldGregg like this.
  17. daszul

    daszul Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2018
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    Well, to me it looks like some kind of ballistic vest in the manga.
    Maybe a ballistic tank top?
  18. Ariwch

    Ariwch Tournament benthotic lurker

    Mar 5, 2018
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    I've read it and I don't like the mini. Colbrook's ideas are brilliant, but I sill don't like it.
    chromedog likes this.
  19. Pr01yfic

    Pr01yfic Active Member

    Jun 27, 2018
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    I just started outrage so I'm not there yet but I read the page that was posted here and admittedly it already made me like Arslans model a lot more, now having a frame for his personality and pose
    Q.A.I., A Mão Esquerda and Foxep like this.
  20. chromedog

    chromedog Less than significant minion

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I have read it - I didn't like the comic and I dislike the model more. I just loathe manbuns. Their owners should be fed into woodchippers.
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