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Ariadna's Finest: Tartary Army Corp. Tactica and Hub

Discussion in 'Ariadna' started by Pride of Rodina, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. mipevo6

    mipevo6 Active Member

    Dec 22, 2018
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    How do i get the docs without being signed in to google docs?
  2. Nuada Airgetlam

    Nuada Airgetlam Nazis sod off ///

    Jan 26, 2018
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    How does that jive with Ratnik (power armour, BTS 3), Wardrivers (BTS 3) and utterly spammy 9 pts AVA Total Line Kazaks? Or Dozers? Kazaks being Core linkable with cheap Frontoviks? 8pts AVA 4 Irmandinhos? 5 pts AVA2 baggage bots?

    Sure, we've got great elites, but it seems we've also got heaps of chaff that cheaply can even become specialist (can you say 10pts FO Kazaks?).
  3. LankyOgreBP

    LankyOgreBP Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    A couple of thoughts
    First, the tactics was written before the ratnik or Frontovik existed, so they don’t include those. Secondly, BTS3 is basically nonexistent compared to the sheer number of BTS 6 or BTS 9 that other factions get. Especially when it’s on a single heavy infantry profile that you likely won’t be taking more than one of. Other factions can easily field entire forces of BTS 3/6 models.
    As far as elite vs spam, you can make a list that pushes 20 orders in TAK, but you likely won’t be taking Vet Kazaks or the aforementioned ratnik. Really emphasizing vet kazaks, dynamo, ratnik, etc is going to use up all your SWC awfully darn quickly.
    SirGrumpyPants likes this.
  4. Nuada Airgetlam

    Nuada Airgetlam Nazis sod off ///

    Jan 26, 2018
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    Technically, you can make a legal 33 order list full of Line Kazaks :P
    SirGrumpyPants likes this.
  5. SirGrumpyPants

    SirGrumpyPants A little grumpy

    Aug 28, 2018
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  6. Nuada Airgetlam

    Nuada Airgetlam Nazis sod off ///

    Jan 26, 2018
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    That's the idea, comrade! :v

    Also, imagine what a 30-order fuelled antipode pack / Cameronian going smoke and Rambo down a flank can achieve.
    SirGrumpyPants likes this.
  7. SirGrumpyPants

    SirGrumpyPants A little grumpy

    Aug 28, 2018
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    Has anyone got any lists, tactics, thoughts or anything they can add?

    I'm not experienced enough to solidify any specific strategies, other than antipodes make real good distractions if you go first and jam them up in peoples faces.
  8. mipevo6

    mipevo6 Active Member

    Dec 22, 2018
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    How useful are the new Frontoviks ? The models look cool...
    SirGrumpyPants likes this.
  9. SirGrumpyPants

    SirGrumpyPants A little grumpy

    Aug 28, 2018
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    I think i might have replied in the March releases post, but to go into some more detail:
    • Elite light infantry
    • Bs12, mimetism, courage
    • T2 rifles as the base weapon makes almost everything stop and pay attention (esp. in a full link - B4 T2 is a thing of beauty), even in ARO (compared to regular boring rifles)
    • They look cool
    • Nice paint jobs
    • Tactical rocks are rad
    • They look cool
    • Make nice links with other things (2 frontos, 2 vet kazaks, doctor axe is my go to core link lately)
    • Only MSV in TAK, but the regular sniper is a bit dull
    • Soft as hell, die to most things - dont expect them to take a beating as much as they can give one out
    mipevo6 likes this.
  10. Hansolo

    Hansolo Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    I never leave home without at least one linked Frontowik. They are the best.

    My favorite combination: HRL + two LRL's. Add other Frontowiks/Veterans according to personal taste.
    mipevo6 and SirGrumpyPants like this.
  11. MATRAKA14

    MATRAKA14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The sniper is not dull it is key for the sectorial, tak struggles against long range aro pieces, and this profile is the most optimal approach to them.
    SirGrumpyPants and mipevo6 like this.
  12. mipevo6

    mipevo6 Active Member

    Dec 22, 2018
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    Thank you... I will have to get a box :)
    SirGrumpyPants likes this.
  13. Kreslack

    Kreslack Unknown Ranger lead the way!

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Don't forget about his assault pistol. In a link he is your go to man to handle close range Camo, TO, and ODD removal. That burst 5 is vicious with all the mods he can stack. That AP sniper really gives some bite if he has to engage heavier targets.

    The other big one with Frontoviks is that their engineer is almost a must have in Vet Kazak links. EM/ISO immunity and the ability to pull your vets out of IMM2 is incredibly valuable. On top of still being a reliable combat piece and source of Dcharges for objectives.

    Actually I'll make an extra note here to remind folks to remember your Frontoviks all have assault pistols. So don't forget that sick B5 once you close in out of your T2 rifles optimal range.
    ZlaKhon, mipevo6 and SirGrumpyPants like this.
  14. Hansolo

    Hansolo Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    TAK struggles with long range ARO?
    An army with:
    - Antipodes
    - Dog Warriors
    - dirt cheap Veteran HMG + Line Kazaks link
    - Specnaz
    - T2 Marksman Rifles starting in their optimal range
    - Ojotniks starting in their optimal range
    - Wasilij Motherfucking T2 Sniper*
    - shitload of smoke

    There are some many ways to deal with enemy's ARO's that, yes, IMO Frontowik Sniper is dull and without MSV1 would be permanently left on the shelf.

    *he's so awesome that I gave him a proper nickname
  15. MATRAKA14

    MATRAKA14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    You are not seeing it, let me explain.

    Imagine premium ARO pieces, with ODD, sniper or missile launcher in cover and good range. Maybe even a Swiss guard or hac tao in hidden deployment at the beginning of the match. You have to open your turn, everything is in your deployment zone, and you need to advance but the enemy has clear vision of your aproach routes, lets check your listed options.

    — Antipodes: yes they can work, but they are order hungry and overall not good openers, they work better in later turns when the enemy is closer and more exposed.
    — Dog Warriors: you are going to need so many orders to cross the table, against a list with good aro pieces and even if you arrive you are going to need some good luck to kill a heavy infantry with chain rifles.
    — dirt cheap Veteran HMG + Line Kazaks link: Line kazaks are good but definitely not the best choice against a odd in cover, the veteran needs to approach to the 80cm range band
    — Spetsnaz: also good option but as mentioned you have to approach the 80 cm range band, and you are exposing your hidden killer for an ARO piece at turn one.
    — T2 Marksman Rifles starting in their optimal range: You can be lucky but the strelock has BS 11, and he is not cheap, he will be better in reserve to hunt other troops.
    — Ojotniks starting in their optimal range: 2 dices with no visor against odd and cover is again a risk with a expensive troop
    — Wasilij Motherfucking T2 Sniper*: this one is better, but he is your expensive chain of command or your lieutenant and still no visor.
    — shitload of smoke: If you spend the complete turn to kill the aro piece with smoke then the ARO piece has done his job, and there are plenty of snipers with msv2

    I'm not saying all those options would not work in the described situation with a bit of luck, the thing is they seem uneficient and risky compared to a linked frontovik with line kazaks. You have a +3 for range, +3 for link team, you ignore one -3 of the mimetic or odd so you are shooting 3 shots of AP dmg 15 with 12s when the enemy hac tao has a -6 of cover and mimetism and maybe even more if you deploy smartly being just outside of the 100cm band.
    And if the enemy has msv2 you are saving up your camo troops for more vulnerable targets

    The frontovik sniper can not be dull when he is the only profile of your army that allows you to do that with just one order while being in your comfortable deployment zone. And as mentioned after that he can hunt infiltrators with burst 5 ignoring mimetism.

    He is not a must, but he fits a unike role in the faction, and a truly important one.
    #55 MATRAKA14, Feb 22, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2019
  16. LankyOgreBP

    LankyOgreBP Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    I love my frontovik sniper. I've put him in a link with a sniper and a missile launcher. The mimitism plus msv really helps swing mods.
  17. Hansolo

    Hansolo Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Well, ok, if you put it like that I understand your point.

    Still, if facing Swiss przez Hac Tao I just CC them with Dog Warrior :P He's fast, durable and can cover his aproach (check if enemy doesn't have MSV2).

    Oh, and one more thing. If one ARO piece can cover all approach routes, it means that it can see the whole table. If it can see the whole table, then the terrain is set up poorly.
    Sorry for harsh words, but IMO Infinity is near unplayable when one trooper covers 100% od the table.
  18. MATRAKA14

    MATRAKA14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    It doesn't need to see all the table to be a pain to deal, just some of your approach routes. If the aro piece is well deployed it's going to be quite difficult or impossible to reach it with a dog warrior or antipodes in one turn, and as mentioned even if it's possible the frontovik allows you to bypass that waste of orders.

    Also the hidden deployment aro pieces can be revealed when you move anything, and when you realize the position your deployment can be heavily compromised. At that moment you will be happy to have the frontovik to deal with him. Additionally he is great dealing with total reaction bots, including the EC one with mimetism.

    The point is, you can play perfectly fine without the profile, but it has a nicely defined role and helps a lot if the situation is presented.
    #58 MATRAKA14, Feb 23, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2019
    mipevo6 likes this.
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