Ariadna in N4

Discussion in 'Ariadna' started by psychoticstorm, Aug 6, 2019.

  1. McKaptain

    McKaptain Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2018
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    Just a hypothetical. What if in the TAK version the tank hunter profile gets wildcard.
  2. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    It'd mean that you're now paying points for a skill you can't use in a fireteam. Tankhunters have Camo.
  3. Panzerschwein

    Panzerschwein Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2020
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    I'm not so negativ about Linkteams like other users, but they don't need wildcard. AP Mines are cool but not if you don't start the game with them. As an ARO in defense there is better than AP Mine, I think.

    ... I think of T2 Mines. ;) *pfiff* Joke, don't punch me. ^^
  4. Duringhzar

    Duringhzar Active Member

    Feb 25, 2018
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    The tankhunter is a good unit, the autocannon is my fetish troop in that unit

    On the other hand, the ap mines have been a pleasant surprise that I hope to see in more Ariadna troops.

    However, the Tankhunter do not think that it needed this type of mines only to justify its increase in cost, even less without any profile being minelayer. Now for now and waiting for more points, a 2nd battalion of the Scot Guard is more useful in generic than the Tankhunter in terms of speaker

    I hope that other troops receive a little more pampering and that some new troops emerge (apart from Kosmoflot's I say)
    #324 Duringhzar, Sep 13, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2020
  5. FreezeZ

    FreezeZ Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Tankhunters are one of my favourite TAK units but I just cant find place for them in rosters. And now after cost increase this will be even harder. It feels like they are lacking some skill. More dmg?
  6. Duringhzar

    Duringhzar Active Member

    Feb 25, 2018
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    It happens to me similar, the Tankhunter is a troop that I love and the Autocannon is top for me, I always put one in when I play generic but in TAK ... it costs me more, I tend more to the core of Frontovik with Line Kazak

    Honestly, the ap mine doesn't give them much, if they had a miner profile ... We could still talk something. But I think something is missing maybe Autocannon +1 burst
    missile launcher + 1dmg stuff so they have other troops
  7. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    The tankhunter doesnt need more damage or anything like that. It's fine as is now. The problem was the meta. Expensive camo troop built to take down tanks was not given an ample supply of targets cause the most important resource had been orders. Now staying power has a more comparable value. Tac window lowering order count is just what Tank Hunters needed to shine.
    Stiopa and colbrook like this.
  8. Nuada Airgetlam

    Nuada Airgetlam Nazis sod off ///

    Jan 26, 2018
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    You brought a Jotum and I have 6 SWC? Okay.

    wuji likes this.
  9. Nuada Airgetlam

    Nuada Airgetlam Nazis sod off ///

    Jan 26, 2018
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    Also, now I wonder if during rule reduction / streamlining X-Visor didn't just become MSV1 for simplicity's sake.

    Because Smoke + Viral / Sniper Loup Garous, T2 Rifle ARM4 Vet Kazaks and ARM5 Mormaers... Yum.
  10. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    I hope not!! I like x-visor on Ryuken, 24inch supfire on BS12 SMG ODD platform is tasty as fuck!!
  11. Duringhzar

    Duringhzar Active Member

    Feb 25, 2018
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    It is true that now the Tankhunter together with other troops with AP weapons will be revalued and it remains to be seen how the new goal will be established (we are still in N3) but I keep saying that the way was not to make them more expensive on the grounds of some mines ap (which as mine seems wonderful to me, one thing does not take away the other) I think leaving them as they were would have been fine but in case of retouching something, I do not think this has been the best
  12. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    They're move 4-4 now. 4-4 is still the average MOV for infantry. They're Camo, they have heavier ARM and that cant be snuck up on easily if they place a mine. Since ARM is will be on the table more AP mines ensures that these guys deal with Armored targets properly. People will end up bringing 1-2 tankhunters per tournament. Use the dice calculator and see what you find. Look at new AP mines vs a TAG
  13. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Also, arent mines 1 point...
  14. Duringhzar

    Duringhzar Active Member

    Feb 25, 2018
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    I have already said that both the Tankhunter and the ap mines seem brutal to me for the new heavyweight goal, I only say that I do not know if it is the most optimal troop to give this type of tool, I can understand that they have them for lore since they are anti TAG troops

    But I must remember that the ap mines are not an addition, they are a weapon change, the D Charges were removed by the AP mines

    My complaint is neither about troops nor about weapons, it is that I would like to have seen something else, the tankhunter is going to start to be seen without a doubt (although I already played it in generic Ariadna)

    But without a doubt the Tankhunter even with only the AP Rifle will be seen on the table and perhaps compete as aggressive camo against the Spetznaz (or even 1-1 of these troops as offensive)
    wuji likes this.
  15. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Maybe not the most optimized kit, but good enough and does fit a certain role. I'm sure TAC will actually have something better than them come N4, TAC is so good it outperforms itself lol. But all jokes aside, I'm really hoping CB made lots of things comparable so that we can see different units doing the same job just as effectively and then we get to play the opponents skill and their style. Not just default includes cause we all no X is better than Y.
    Duringhzar likes this.
  16. Duringhzar

    Duringhzar Active Member

    Feb 25, 2018
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    That is true, for the moment in general Ariadna, the troop most similar to the Tankhunter is the 2nd battalion of the Scot Guard (or should it be called now Kosmoflot Guard?) Both are troops with anti-armor weapons only that the Scot Guard their Armament tends more to be used in fireteam and the Tankhunter is a solitary hunter (Our particular Noctifer haha) only modifying that the Tankhunter has greater will and the Scot guard greater CC (apart from the price)

    Let's compare for now what we have in the weapon they share in common: The Missile Launcher.

    Tankhunter (new): 33 points for Missile Launcher with ap mines
    2nd battallion Scot guard (old) 31 points for Missile Launcher and assault pistol

    I know that for now the comparisons are odious and that the Scot guard seems to win, but it is certain that this troop will also go up in price

    Perhaps an advanced forward L1 (or called now +4 ") (not counting the one that may keep the current IMs) or a minelayer profile would have made everyone happier, or perhaps seeing other new troops and things that they give others know a little

    What if it is certain that the Tankhunter will be a good response to the increase in TAG in the game, the Autocannon aggressively, added to the surprise shot, -3 mimetism and coverage, will make a TAG a sight and not seen and just in case it survives, you leave an AP mine in its path

    TAC ... well TAC the Strelok catches my attention

    marksman rifle t2 or ap?

    And as they leave the Line Kazak with HMG AP ... I think it is another troop that will begin to be seen hahaha
  17. FreezeZ

    FreezeZ Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2018
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    My typical TAK list are around 14-15 orders without needing Tankhunters and I dont think it will change with N4. They just struggle to find their own place because they are very basic camo MI.that is getting more expensive without getting much. Their only role is to kill high armor units but in TAK you will more often use Veteren to do that and in vanilla there will soon be Zenit-7 to use with DMG 16 AP sniper and two cammo tokens for lower price. So it will all come to more TAG presence. And even then I will propably take vet kazak to kill it.
  18. fatherboxx

    fatherboxx Mission control, I'm coming home.

    Jan 18, 2018
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    Camo Missile Launcher is still Camo Missile Launcher
    saint and Teslarod like this.
  19. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Please take into account the fact that TAG players will know that without AP opponent will have a hard time killing their heavies, and will work harder at hunting them down, or ensuring that they won't get a good shot. Moving VetKazak into position might be harder now. Tankhunters on the other hand might stay under the radar, safe under Camo, and probably hidden amongst other Camo tokens. Veteran is a great fireteam pointman, but Tankhunter is very good solo piece.

    Zenit-7 is a possible competition, but it's also a bit less deadly. 2 shots from AP sniper rifle =/= two shots from Autocannon.
    wuji, saint and SpectralOwl like this.
  20. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    A very good point, TAGs can usually Guts out of fights they can't win, and have a respectable chance of planting an EXP round right back into an attacker's face- or worse if the TAG is in active turn- so extended firefights against them aren't ideal. The ML or Autocannon can actually threaten a TAG in reactive turn as well, especially if they discount it as some cheap Sniper Rifle that hasn't revealed and try to get an objective done or take on multiple foes at once. The Zenit will be a better bet for reliably taking out single-wounders, especially with high ARM- like most of Ariadna's own HI.
    Stiopa likes this.
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