Source? Because that looks like a photoshop of the N3 army builder, the icons and layout don't match the other previews we've seen.
Yeah, I was about to say that, posted the original above to look at them beside each other and it does look like a shop.
Apparently it's not too difficult to manually edit the HTML of the current Army builder to modify profiles too.
It seems an unautorized leak from the warcor forum, with the wildcat profile. Soooo, no more previews for the moment. The format is because is a very old screenshot of the profiles, and was leaked now
If it is legit then, combined with the Daofei costing the same in N4, it indicates to me that Camouflage in general has seen a significant bump in cost. Not something I want to see as an Ariadna player, but it was probably a needed change as having a marker state is one of the most powerful abilities in the game. With my amateur game design hat on I can see the reasoning there as camo spam was probably the second most hated build after order spam. Obviously I'm looking at a sample size of 2 here so could well be missing something.
Well since crits wont autokill Ariadnans, they have good ARM and anti ARM weaponry, many MED infantry getting MOV 4-4 and getting a fair amount of Shock Immunity we should see good matchups now. Fairly even games across the board.
everyone in other factions receiving discount in their troops, at the same time we get more expensive
To be fair, that's on units with one of the more powerful abilities in the game that's getting more expensive across the board. Also, I think Ariadna/TAK is not exactly a faction/army to complain about being at the bottom of tier barrel currently. Some caution could be in order, though.
Tankhunters already were less than optimal with 30 pts for a single wound trooper, now they are worse Love to pay 4 pts tax for mines on a goddamn Missile Launcher that will never ever use them
I guess that's also true. Although that's sadly to be expected with so many more or less similar units in the army competing while bringing only slight variations of what they collectively do.
I see only changes in 4-4 (universal for all MI in N4 i presume) and AP mines and 3-4 points increase for all profiles I get fluffy reasons and CoC might find use, but mines are not free - why would a profile designed for long range engagements have them and pay for them?
I’m going to assume the up-charge in points is from have the full camo package in N4. If Stealth costs points in N4, it is a funny little tax for units like Tankhunters.