They were saying they are thinking about "adding a certain faction next year or not", it has to be MRRF re-release IMO :D
I know they are not in C1 but as every faction is going to have TAG there, I see no reason to exlude Ariadna from that. In my understanding, every faction in C1 should have similar line up so it would be strange if one of them didnt have that. However I am quite certain we won't get servant bots so maybe Ariadna will be one big exception in C1 product line. I was thinking about that but I have this feeling that MRFF won't be C1 Ariadna. I won't be suprised if CB will repack Coldfront and I am sure that Ariadna won't get another support pack.
I have been speculating the same thing. Would be a good time to relaunch them and the timeline matches what I’ve heard from Bostria’s own lips on when MRRF would get rebooted.
We haven't seen anything pointing towards a MRRF revamp. Ariadna will get the Coldfront stuff, same with ALEPH, when it is their turn.
You mean you haven't seen or recognized anything that would make you think MRRF is getting revamped. You cannot falsify supposition and conjecture with your own conjecture. It's intellectually dishonest to do that.
We know that 2021 will see the return of a an out of production faction with a Shasvaasti style revamp, it's confirmed a couple of times that's already in their schedule. FRRM would definitely be my preference and has also been off in the weeds the longest.
Merovingia has no design space anymore. TAK basically took it. You're more likely to see Tohaa or Shock Army than Merovingia at this point. And that's assuming that they really will "return an out of production faction" rather than just revamp one.
That's a very generalized statement and heavily dependent on the assumption that returned N4 MRRF would be identical to the N3 MRRF, as well as that factions within the same army cannot partially overlap within the "design space". The term itself seems is murky and sounds more and more like an excuse to hand wave faction analysis away and instead claim "lack of design space" and be done with explaining what the actual problem is. And even if there's literally zero point zero "design space" between N3 MRRF and N4 TAK (which we also have no idea about, so great job making another unfounded assumption), this doesn't mean that N4 MRRF would not be reintroduced as a legacy faction. We literally KNOW we will see N4 Tohaa by the end of the year.
Dude! I have so much fun playing with viral rifles, stun grenades, wip14 hmg / dog warrior paratroopers, six sense flamethrower skirmishers and linked visors with marksman rifles in TAK! What a nice sectorial army, totally overlaps every single troop in existence in N1, N2, N3, N4 and N5!
Don't bother, it's kanluwen. All you'll get from him is his signature "Meh" disguised in a word salad.
"Dog warrior paratroopers"? Did I miss something, seeing as how that's a character? And really, Briscards? Lol.
FRRM has a lot of things that can be built upon to make it play differently than TAK while staying in character. Capitalizing on Mechanized Deployment (TAK can bring a lot of Camo to the midfield, but heavy weapons? Not so much), more Multiterrain (whole two units with that one in TAK), more visors, more flexible AD options, maybe fireteams with forward deployment, increased Merc support. It could be to Ariadna what Acon is to PanO.
Mercenaries are about as relevant to this conversation as Nomads are. They're something that can be ditched with little to no issue and new units can either be designed or not. Maybe I'm being overtly negative, but if they had wanted to do something with Merovingia? They had years to do it. They chose not to. It took the release of two Sectorials for a solo Chasseur to be available!
They do take their sweet time, but I got used to it long ago. I have MO, which is full of issues even now, after a substantial update. I play Shasvastii since N2, and it was a "legacy" N2 sectorial for the larger part of N3. I've waited for OSS ever since getting my first Aleph units - in Acon, so since my first army. It is annoying when your favorite army is shelved, but there's a lot of other armies to play and CB gets to those left behind eventually. After Shasvastii rework I have no doubt that FRRM will be just fine when they'll get to it.
It's more than "annoying". It's downright irritating. The worst part is that whenever these topics come up they showcase one of the hallmark fallacious arguments of Infinity--the insistence that "well, who cares if X faction isn't playable or buyable right now? there's sO mAnY fAcTiOnS!!1!". Many people are not getting into Infinity with 'factions'. They're getting in with sectorials. Corvus Belli does themselves no favors by doing things this way.