Limited Krakot is where CB said: "Let's do a Space Ork, but cool looking!" GR Krakot is where CB said: "Let's do a Space Ork."
LOL. That makes it a completely DIFFERENT sculpt. It's the positioning of the legs and the arms that's makes it look terrible.
It is virtually the same sculpt repositioned, body is the same sculpt includes the original head if you want, it is a far more dynamic sculpt, the only reason I would see people complain about that sculpt is the Umbra
Article next week on what is going to happen to Yu Jing. Sauce: Koni on the Spanish side of the wall. Or Forum. I'm not really sure. I haven't slept. Can't do writing. String. Words. Together.
The real sad part is that this again shows that CB would make any decision as long as the new player/sales brought by the change outnumbers the amount of existing customers that are going to be pissed/harmed by the change. First was putting Shas and the French in the fridge in favor of Onyx and USAriadna. Now they are going to separate and develop the more lucrative part of YJ while comparatively neglecting the rest. But it makes sense when considered from cold mathematical point of view. They tried redoing a bunch of stuff for YJ last year through ISS and they weren't as popular as JSA. So it is somewhat logical to pursue what sells more separating it from the comparative failure holding it back. Also who are next... I wonder how well the Haqq are doing in sales. They did got through a large number of resculpts in recent times.
*Me quietly caressing MRRF models (and crying a little) while casting feverish glances at all these hot new releases*
I've certainly seen a significant uptick in ISS in the painting forum and Facebook groups I follow, which suggests their releases have been popular at least in terms of sales.
The AG joan is far better than the GR one. I'n my opinio the general realse is too much space marine pose and the new head looks like aquiles
Where is this even coming from? When SEF and MRRF got benched it was because CB decided to redesign both armies from the ground up. Their stated goal is to make both SEF and MRRF armies stand out from the crowd, which to my mind suggests they could bring some interesting new mechanics to the game (the way Tohaa did). Unless you love having every sectorial function just like every other, that's a good thing. And CB released OCF and USARF in the meantime because neither required new/redesigned rules the way SEF/MRRF will. Would you have preferred they not release anything else until SEF/MRRF are ready? Or is your position that CB is holding SEF/MRRF back because reasons? If so, I'd love to hear your evidence of their dasdardly backroom schemes. Who said JSA are more lucrative and that this was a money grab? You're being remarkably uncharitable in your interpretation of the very meager evidence we have. And how on earth can you talk about comparative neglect when the last two years have seen a steady stream of ISS and vanilla YJ releases, including Red Veil and its Beyond box. Seriously, go back and look at 2016-17. Tally those suckers up. Then look at what Tohaa got, or at what the Kazakhs got. Then you can talk to me about "comparative neglect." Look, I get that CB could have explained its decision-making here better than it has, but whining about how the company's just after money or doesn't care about players doesn't help anyone. If CB has made any mistake here, it's to have been to be silent on how it came to the decision to break JSA off despite having the BoW platform to explain itself. Ten bucks says we get more insight at the Adepticon seminar. I would have bought that sculpt in an instant but for the Umbra.
I actually love that umbra on the base, annoyingly I need a Joan to paint who's been sepsitorised so that damn Umbra scuppered that plan. YJ-Aren't exactly hard done by for releases and I say that as a YJ player, and a Merrovingian player, and a Shasvastii player, and a former Exrah player.
So I get where you're coming from with the frustration at splitting off JSA from vanilla YJ. If I played vanilla and lost access to units I used / had paid money for I'd be pissed. But I'm not really sure this is a money making decision - it seems to be driven by a desire to move the narrative of the universe forward. Personally, I think the way WM/H handles this is good. They evolve characters and kill them off from time to time, but they never remove profiles. You can still play with casters who are dead in the fluff, you just know they won't get further epic versions. The narrative moves on, everyone is happy. Has it actually been confirmed that vanilla YJ are losing access to JSA units? It seems to me that CB could take note here and leave all the JSA profiles in YJ as a kind of set of legacy profiles. All the fancy new stuff and updated profiles go into the new version. Nothing changes for vanilla, JSA get a fancy new army list, everyone wins.
This is one of the things i always hated. If a personality dies, let it be and move on. Otherwise you'll end like other games where a Character dead 1000 years ago fight alongside to a living alley but in a version of 1800 years ago against an entire army just born both in real word and in fluff.
I dont get why its sad that CB is making decisions with money in mind. If the company doesn't stay profitable all this complaining about splits is for nothing as every army ceases to exit. CB has employees with families to feed and house, no profits == no CB. That said I don't see any evidence that the fiances were the driver behind this decision