Just started watching the video and paused on the fluff sections. On the Ryuken unit-9 it says they are sort of short range assault while also possesing long range barrage. They are from from survivors of demobilised Raiden regiment.
Anyone else hoping for some Reinhardt barrier action from this big guy? "MY BARRIERU ISA FAILING!" "I have been called. I must answer, always."
I noticed this too, our infinity FB chat came to the conclusion the o-yoroi has a double-jointed wrist and the saya opens along the length, not at the top
But Oniwaban are direct servants of the Japanese Emperor, so that, to me, cuts against them still serving YJ and the Jade Emperor.
As far as I understood the background on the Oniwaban entry in the shop, the Oniwabans are the "leaders" (or similar high-ranking member) of their ninja clan, residing on the palace of their lord to take their orders directly. Mind you, Ninjas might be double agents now, staying with YJ to pass on information to their true masters...
By the way, anyone else looked at the picture of the huge O-Yoroi and that tiny Crane and thought "that's one very dead TAG"? Eh... maybe. Ninjas were noted as being some of the most loyal vassals a Daimyo had (or rather, those who later came to be known as Ninjas). Samurai on the other hand - fickle bunch of turncoats by comparison. I mean, they're nobles, so what can you expect?
They keep referencing that the Ryuken units are "partners." Even in the text, it's saying that one handles close range, while the other covers long range. Carlos also said that JSA players are going to be very excited about them... Could they be using the Ghost:Jumper ability from Aleph?? Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
That's... extremely unlikely. Maybe they have Duo. That's the most probable option. Other options are that you have to buy them in pairs, like Zoe or Mirage-5.
That would be TOO broken, frankly... the Posthumans already need a rebalance, spreading them further would be... hard on the balance. Hope they also get a Haris.
With new fluff im kinda expecting Tunguska battle puppets to actually be karakuri from new JSA, as some trade for protection by the Mafia. Big samurais fluff paints the thing as a rush job as a bunch of JSA industries got fucked.