If we're even luckier, we will be able to burn that fluff at the stake... Links were interesting. Fluff was more war crimes than Nuremburg. :puke:
On the mowang, and invincible army as a whole, i've just recently realized there might be a lots of dirty trick available with coordinated orders and disposable/powerful B1 weapons. Like, use a yan huo HRMC as spearhead for B3, a mowang akrylat kanone, a zhencha with DEP, and your choice of missile launcher/sniper/etc.... Almost makes me wish our command unit gets advanced command!
Just gotta wait another week Just another week before we get the stuff Just gotta hang in there a bit longer
Carried over from the other page. This is so like the Shikami I wanted. Like a better armored Monk. It's also mentioned they are trained by a Shaolin Master. I'm guessing in addition to above, Frenzy or Impetuous. Which I'm not thrilled by if correct. But could be very useful too. I'm really looking forward to the image and figure. I'm hoping I can convert one to have a kwan dao!
The Hulang has some potential. If it ends up being "light" then hopefully it is shipping out with Immunity. If not, even chance of a Frenzy discount to help things out (as a best case scenario). The real question now is whether it is a specialist. If we can get a decent, actually tough, mid-field combat specialist then it will really help the list out. Ideally that FD2 lets it be a bit beefy and it gives up some CC ability to gain some shooting and maybe some utility weapons like templates. It would be nice if it got something like Eclipse Grenades (I think they're angling for IA to be zero smoke... so that could be a sneaky way of getting some vision denial in there without it just leading to us running the Rui Shi as an auto-include as it is in ISS and vanilla). I'm tentatively excited about this one. Heavy Warband is a fun concept if done right, and Mimetism is a strong skill on a mid-field HI. I just pray that it is either a full 2W HI, or if it must be 1W+NWI that it has immunities to not make it a waste of time. Adding on specialist and a Frenzy discount could see this thing being a real competitive choice to support our usual aggressive pushes in vanilla. I'll be intrigued to see this thing in full when the profiles drop, but where the other previews have ranged from "meh" to "okay, but something we already have a ton of", this one feels like something that is kind of funky and unique in broad terms. But it will 100% come down to a lot of minutiae about the profile. Things like CC investment, how good it is in a shootout, and exactly how tough it is will all play in to that. But Heavy Warband is certainly some under-developed design space that suits the IA pretty well. Fingers crossed on this one.
You mean like virtually, nearly all the midfield units in the game. Almost sounds like an intention.....?
That Infiltration Moblot's got to stay relevant somehow! I do wish they'd quit loading the game with so much Shock though, I've given real thought to picking up NCA and running a Bolt Core in my ALEPH-heavy meta just to laugh at all the mines, Sniper Rifles and Red Furies doing absolutely nothing. Probably would have if YJ's line troop HI wasn't better for everything else. Given we now know the Hulang is a Shaolin-level CC troop in powered armour, the best thing to Duo in would probably be a second Hulang. +1 Burst and Damage will be utterly fantastic on something hitting as hard as the monks do and it seems like Hulangs are not expected to survive the game, so the redundancy in attack pieces will be more useful than dragging a specialist up the board most of the time.
If I could change one thing, it'd be that. Almost every faction can take a full combat group that has Shock Ammo.
Don't forget Dart the Fart and Daofei,... hmmm seems that YJ could be the Army with the resilient HIs in midfield, mus be a coincidence, can't be intentional... :D
No mention on their armors, but for Liu Xing I assume their Bioimmunity suggest anothet class Power armor.
Well, that and if you tried to duo in anything with the Hulang that isn't another Hulang, it makes actually using their FD2 difficult.