The problem here is that the Daoying body they used was not only a medium infantry profile, but also likely a female sculpt, which CB likes to already make too small when it comes to HI. So it's a male trooper based on a female body that is already too lanky for most standard HI profiles. ...And looking at that dossier posted right above... while that's probably the Aristea! art, I still get the vib a lot of the disparities between what we get and what the artwork depicts comes from them rushing it out. I don't think it's a bad model, I just would really like for CB to bulk out the limbs a tiny bit, just to make it look like the suit could actually fit a person inside... ...unless of course, we're coming from some Aristea! weirdness, where it turns out that he's mostly a cyborg body with a pretty face. In which case, I'd still like CB to bulk it out a touch, since I think our boy could use a little extra thickness. Still, it's the character I'm most excited for in Defiance.
Frankly, I just hope it has some typo in the Profile. It was funny and creative to discuss berserk use for Quiang Gao, while it lasted.
Spoiler: Image I was having second thoughts on it being YJ when I started comparing the the wings to other models in YJ. It breaks from YJ AD designs too much, but the concept art has the IA logo (No NA2 logo) which makes it definitely in YJ. I'm not sure if the lack of NA2 logo means its not in NA2. As for weaponry, I've always loved the marksman rifle, no SWC costs and above average ranges. I still like the Boarding shotgun for AD troops, its just too useful if you get in the deployment zone. The Blitzen is a first for YJ, I'm not sure about it. It woudl pair better as a long range emergency aro option for a shotgun profile, its a little superfluous on a model with a marksman rifle. Skill wise I'm guessing MI, same-ish stats as a Daoying, AD, only 1 W, no NWI, probably Bio-immunity. Assuming its not a hacker, 0SWC, around 32 points. if they add Specialist operative it would get a lot more usage, but the cost would be closer to 35. (only a guess).
Bostria has already said he's a HI. Regarding the wings… well he's an Aristeia character and Aristeia is all about spectacle. You could say it's just atrezzo for his costume. That being said… what would an Aristo want to use an AD backpack inside the hexadome for? It might be it's not exactly an AD backpack, henceforth it doesn't look like the YJ drop pack. Probably the design might be quite telling as a hint Spoiler (clearly another homage)
Considering it is almost identical to Daoying armour and how slim it is I wouldn't be surprised if that turns out to be an accidental slip of the tongue by Carlos. I like the super jump idea a lot though.
It could also be that this is the Aristos suite (or rather a suite adapted for vastly different conditions than Tigers and Louies face) and that when he gets a general release we'll see a more Liu Xing look with proper atmospheric drop pack.
Considering the current definition of HI includes 1W +NWI models, the distinction between MI and HI matters a little less. The real question is is he shock immune and hackable?
Considering how many times i’ve gotten kicked by Hollowmen, I want Super Jump HI too! Even a single is good. Re: Daofei & TS. I understand the disappointment of not having them in IA but then I think then that all that would have been left for White Banner would have been only the Guilang, Shaolin, and assuming Zhanshi. I’m sure they don’t want to make a lot of new profiles. [sarcasm salt on] How dare they bring YJ up to pre-uprising levels! [sarcasm salt off]
Counter call: Liu Xing with +3 CC, +1 BS, +1 PH, Shock CCW, and a specialist skill that'll probably be more inconvenient than helpful like Paramedic. (If White Hacking Devices weren't so godawful expensive, that'd be a very cool device to have on this one) Edit: Now, if they did +6 CC, +1 or +2 PH, and MA1 or MA3, that would make for an interesting character take on Louies as well, since it'd remove the inherent (and dumb) weakness to Engage that using Explode X causes.
Yeah, he's much younger in that concept art and we know Aristeia! is set a number of years before Infinity/Defiance.
I don't like the Aristeia! Designs for YJ characters: Bixie is awful in my opinion and i don't like Lei Gong either... Still, i will try to find a proxy for him i guess...
Depending on what the profile looks like I might considering swapping his wings for a standard Yu Jing jump pack.