I'm just looking at tweaking them a bit -- dropping the dark blue to more of a german grey and going the space-swat route -- more tweaks to be had but around here -- we'll see once I actually have the minis:
Hah - read that as "Embrace the Neon Genesis!" at first.. *EDIT* Oh man after posting that I realized the SIRUS dog has the perfect part for this..
Still leaving the question: Why, for God’s sake, does there mesh or whatever it is, is shining? Every other place would be fine. But not that one xD Do you know the kind of Kickstarter where there is a really good designed army and another one where the design is so odd, you think they just added it to have something for there heart blood to fight against? With every passing second I’m getting the feeling O12 is the odd one. They have some great parts, but right now they’re looking somewhat... rushed. More like let’s add some armor and spikes. I’m missing the blatant high tech, special forces look. More fabric purses for equipment, more badass lock... I really want to like them, but everyone, except the gamma unit, just isn’t enough somehow. I love there heads and helmets and some of there armor, but everything else... I can’t get my head around it. Hopefully it’lol be better once i’ve Got the miniatures and paint them. Your thoughts regarding that?
I'm considering an olive grey for the cloth parts, and a mix of NMM copper and shiny black for the armour plating. More detail can wait until I've actually tested the scheme
Ok, this thread really makes me want to go with black, bits of yellow and some neon lights. Good thing I recently ordered a set of neon paints :D
Why didn't you suggest to paint them in your freaking camo suited to increase the reaction time because of unnatural combinaison of flashy colors?
My first thought after seeing o-12 minis was - this color scheme is horrible, but after a while I got used to it. Besides colors can be easily changed (some cool ideas here). If I would have opportunity to paint o-12, I would use color pallette for Aleph but swap colors in the scheme: black armour, white cloths (including this mesh things), purple additions (some tweaks here and there becouse it is hard to identify what is what on this new minis).
Because I have already abused PanO to death with that one! (and because that book is buried in a box right now)