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0-12 action pack, tactics

Discussion in 'O-12' started by MikeWy, Aug 17, 2020.

  1. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    Mar 3, 2018
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    The REMs are probably still your first choice here. Vanilla O-12 has AVA 2 on the KYTTÄ remotes and at 8 points each, these are great defensive units for various reasons. They are dirt cheap REMs, have Mimetism, Flash Pulse, Repeater and the option to drop sniffers. At their price point, thats a grazy good package and you will probably want to use two in many lists.

    Put them somewhere the enemy has no long approach towards. Their Flash Pulse is +3 on medium range, so try to leverage that. With Mimetism and a respectable WIP of 13 (Fash Pulse uses WIP instead of BS), this can put a lot of enemies into danger in a FTF roll, especially since Flash Pulse can apply the Stunned state, effectively stopping attackers dead in their tracks.

    Now, you can drastically increase your chance of succeeding by putting Enhanced Reaction (or, even better, Overclock if you have an EVO REM) supportware on one of your Hackers. KYTTÄ (and their analogues in other factions) have a repeater, so they can benefit from either supportware, increasing their Flash Pulse ARO to B2! Repeater also means that you can ARO with your hacker in 8" around them, if enemy HI/TAGs/REMs get too close.

    The Peeler is also a nice defensive option, but with focus on long range and actual damage instead of stun. Again, don't expose them to obvious long firelanes, as they will get outshot by many dedicated offensive pieces. Try covering "secondary" firelanes with them instead, where the enemy power pieces are not likely to get within the first few orders. The cool thing about this REM is that it can also double as an offensive piece. Put Assisted Fire supportware on your hacker and use your 6-4 movement to get into position to start blasting things that thought themselves safe behind partial cover.
    MikeWy and Saber117 like this.
  2. Vocenoctum

    Vocenoctum Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2019
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    There was a habit of doing an "Advance Pack" for Operation boxes before Kaldstrom, that contained two/three single minis. For Operation Wildfire, they did a box contaning Sirius and a Shasvaasti Cadmus. There's a few places online that have them still. So they are actually cheaper than buying Sirius alone, especially when on sale. So I just picked up another Advance Pack from gamenerdz.com a week or two ago for $17.97 while Team Sirius is $19.47. Might only be a handful of USA stores, but worth looking for if you decide to get Sirius.
    MikeWy likes this.
  3. Tourniquet

    Tourniquet TJC Tech Support

    Feb 18, 2018
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    After the REMS, you should look into picking up the Alpha, currently one of the better LT options in the faction, you gt to reserve two pieces and an extra regular order. There is the downside obvious LT syndrome but thats pretty endemic to O12 at the moment anyway, but does force you to learn how to defend well fast, which is an upside.

    the Dakini box is another half decent option, a buffed Dakini HMG makes for a good attack piece, or sniper when buffed and in the right spot can be a nightmare to deal with.

    aaside from that there isnt that much released for the faction so all you really need to do is stay on topo of the new releases.
    Saber117 and MikeWy like this.
  4. Djase01

    Djase01 0 12 Mastermind

    Mar 4, 2020
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    When they come out, buy the Varangians, and use all of them. They are amazing and never let you down. Smoke on top of an epsilon is also an amazing aro duo.
    MikeWy and Saber117 like this.
  5. Saber117

    Saber117 Member

    Aug 12, 2020
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    A bit off-topic for the thread but still 012 tactics I suppose. How does everyone feel about REMs usage will be affected by the 15 model limit in N4?
    I suspect that taking two KYTTA's for only 16 points in total would encourage people to take heavier units.

    Supporting heavier units is also a difficult thing to do I've found. Maybe the other main player in my area is just good at solving this problem, but I notice that my big hard-hitting units (Gamma in particular) always seem to get taken out or locked down pretty early on. Getting better at defending should help with that though so maybe it's not something I have to worry too much about.
    MikeWy likes this.
  6. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    Mar 3, 2018
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    The nerf to critical hits in N4 should help these heavy units substantially. Actually being able to make use of the armor they pay a fortune for is a welcome change that will help elevate HI and TAGs.

    Then there is defensive deployment in general and learning how to use each unit to its strengths, which is a large chunk of getting better at the game. Lethality is fairly high in Infinity, which can be somewhat counter intuitive for some people when it comes to armored units. A TAG is basically the equivalent to a tank, but it can die just as quickly as a line trooper when faced with the right weapons under favorable conditions.

    Lets take the Gamma Feuerbach as an example:

    Plonking it on top of a roof, covering large parts of the board, can seem like a great idea, but when faced with a Fireteam and/or heavy visual mods on the other side, it will lose FTF rolls. Knowing that, you will want a Doctor closeby (or the YudBot of one), so you can prop the Gamma up for the next reactive turn, once it goes down. With ARM 6, 2 wounds and NWI, the Gamma is incredibly sturdy, but you need to know when to stop as well. If faced with an attacker that can reliably outshoot it with high Burst and possibly concerning ammo, you may want to fail your Guts roll on purpose after the first wound and drop prone.

    Accepting that the Gamma Feuerbach and similar pieces are really just a deterrent/roadblock in ARO and not supposed to kill unit after unit can be a difficult concept to accept. Then again, wasting 2 or 3 orders from your opponents main combat group containing the expensive core Fireteam can be a huge win, even if it doesn't seem like it at first.
  7. Tourniquet

    Tourniquet TJC Tech Support

    Feb 18, 2018
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    Doubt it will change, you're still likely to see 2, they're cheap orders that allow for you take more expensive pieces, good aro that doesn't cost much when it goes down, and providing sniffers and sensor sticks around they are an invaluable anti camo tool, especially considering now that you dont have the orders to try and dig things out the long way.
  8. MikeWy

    MikeWy Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2020
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    I had my first game(s) of infinity last night. I really enjoyed it. Had a few introductory style games. When it was just basic infantry (kappa) Vs basic infantry I won, but once special skills were thrown in I obviously lost.

    Namely I lost to camo, half of my opponents army was camouflaged (4/8 models). Other than multispectral visors (I had one but was unlucky with dice roles and lost it early on), what strategy works best against camo?

    He also had a total reaction bot which I just avoided, besides hackers how else would you deal with one of these guarding a lane?
    Numazokola likes this.
  9. tox

    tox SorriBarai

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Every time you experience a new skill, it will seems unbeatable. Do not worry, it is normal. You will be able to overcome every difficult with time.

    For Camo, you have the Epsilon with MSV2.
    If you go first, deploy him in a position where he can see most of the Camo. Then discover and shot.
    MikeWy likes this.
  10. miguelbarbo84

    miguelbarbo84 Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2018
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    Besides Tox's advise above, which I completely agree with, a few more options which you may test once you have a few more games experience:

    Against camo, you can use intuitive attacks with template weapons such as your riotstoppers, using your plain WIP stat. Beware, as it's a full order and the camoed enemy can ARO back. You can also use mines on their way, as those will trigger automatically and don't depend on visual mods. You can also use speculative fire with a grenade launcher (Dakini bots) from out of LOF, applying just a -6 but not additional negative MODs.

    Against TR bots, you can try to disable them by hacking (with CLAW type programs) from out of LOF. You can use speculative fire as well. Or you can stack your own MODs to negate their chances. For example:
    Hyppolita hitting the bot in CC can apply -3for martial arts, -6 for DDO, -3 for HMG range, which is a -12, thus making it impossible for the bot to hit.
    Razors can also apply -3 from surprise attack, -6 for TO camo and-6 from HMG range if they can get that close.

    Finally, remember you have Smoke on your Varangians. It can directly negate any chance to ARO without MSV2, allowing you to bypass those dangers instead of confronting them.

    Keep trying new things and, above all, have fun!
    MikeWy likes this.
  11. miguelbarbo84

    miguelbarbo84 Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2018
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    Replying to myself to remind that some of these do not apply to O12 Action Pack...
    MikeWy likes this.
  12. Djase01

    Djase01 0 12 Mastermind

    Mar 4, 2020
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    There are three really good options for getting a rid of total reaction bot.
    1. Use the epsilon sniper to get it in its bad range band. If you are in its bad range, in cover, and you have Mimetism, it will be -9 to hit you, so four dice on twos versus 2 dice on 13s.

    2. Omega Hmg, he is an odd hmg what more to say? Just try and stack as many negative mods as possible.

    3. Gamma HMG, just use your higher burst and ballistics.
    MikeWy likes this.
  13. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The Lynx sniper and Razor can also get the Totes Remote down to -12 BS fairly trivially. -6 Mimetism, -3 surprise shot, -3 Cover, and getting into the +0 or -3 range.
    MikeWy likes this.
  14. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Lynx Plasma is good at clearing out just about everything critical in your DZ. I say that as someone who gets their stuff wrecked by Lynx Plasma too often.
    MikeWy likes this.
  15. Tourniquet

    Tourniquet TJC Tech Support

    Feb 18, 2018
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    Kyatta and Oko are a great tool for dealing with mass camo (not in the action pack but you should look into getting a box or two some point soon), you can have the kyatta move up and drop sniffers (providing it's safe to do so) then the oko can either also move up or hang back and use the sensor skill to reveal everything within 8" of the sniffers and itself.

    as for TR bot either hang out outside their their effective range with an MSR and hit them with a -12, or get up close and personal with something like a Razer BSG and do the same thing. Or have Hippolyta eclipse up the table and punch it then use her to gut your opponents army.
    miguelbarbo84 and MikeWy like this.
  16. tox

    tox SorriBarai

    Feb 21, 2017
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    I highly disapprove of this tactic. There are only two results. You get hit by a critical 2 or by a humble 1 when you roll only 14+.

    You go -12 or you need 4 dice ad -9
    MikeWy, miguelbarbo84 and Tourniquet like this.
  17. Tourniquet

    Tourniquet TJC Tech Support

    Feb 18, 2018
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    It still wont help, that fucker will still crit you.

    also never rely on the cover mod, the bot will more often than not be ignoring it.
    MikeWy likes this.
  18. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    On the plus side, the TR HMG will be relying on crits quite a bit to do actual damage, on the minus side the sniper is losing DA ammo during active turn. Sometimes you just have to roll the odds, however you should never shoot at a TR HMG using an Epsilon in the TR HMG's +3 rangeband unless you also have smoke.

    (it's also for these reasons why I prefer the HMG Epsilon over the MSniper Epsilon every day of the weak - that bastard combined with Varangians are MVP every game)
    #38 Mahtamori, Aug 28, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2020
    MikeWy and realder like this.
  19. Tourniquet

    Tourniquet TJC Tech Support

    Feb 18, 2018
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    Suiciding a Sirius bot (or side bot) into it to hit it with glue gun to Imm-2 it then shoot it with something else unopposed is a uniquely O-12 tactic.
    MikeWy, miguelbarbo84 and Djase01 like this.
  20. Kaernak

    Kaernak Member

    Nov 29, 2019
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    how much proxying is everyone doing? i'm seeing some things mentioned that dont have models yet(at least that i can find)
    MikeWy likes this.
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