Here is a recap, collecting the tutorials of Yu Jing faction and his official schemes. If you have seen any useful tutorials to index in this...
New online campaign guys. Lets start planning. I thinks its from july 11 to july 25. A bit shorter than i remember but it makes sense given how...
Nimlothautle and I decided to throw down a 30pt game of Supplies. Classic Pan-O vs. Yu Jing matchup with some interesting includes in our lists....
Hola, camaradas de ojos rasgados, algún consejo o estrategia para esta misión de its con invencibles? Mi idea inicial es intentar tener tropas en...
Hello, I am a new YuJing player with little experience in tournament (I did one last year with Onyx) and I have one coming at the beginning of...
Cheers guys! i share you the Daedalus fall overview; take a peek on the book and please tell me what do you expect from the narrative campaings?...
Evening everybody. I am still not back to be around here as much as I was back in the day, but I am concerned about the smallness of this section...
We made a review of the 3rd offensive book! what´s your favorite thing of the release? [MEDIA]
Hacemos una reseña en vídeo del libro Tercera Ofensiva de Infinity the game [MEDIA]
Hacemos una reseña en vídeo del libro Tercera Ofensiva de Infinity the game; que es lo que esperaban de este lanzamiento? [MEDIA] gracias por...
Bueno, han terminado las freakwars 2018 y tras terminar 11 de 38 en un formato complicado, me apetece subir mis listas y contrastar opiniones con...
TO ALL YU JING FORCES ON NOVVY CIMMERIA remember the truce for the island and the respect you shall present to the new nation of JAPAN and...
When you click on some factions like (PanO, YJ...) It doesnt show anything except a few random things.
Bueno, como todos sabreis ya, hoy han publicado las listas cerradas para Yujing. Vamos a pasar completamente de la cuestion trasfondo y pasar...
Saludos, ciudadano. Una vez más la Nación Nómada pide la opinión de sus gentes en lo que concierne a temas de relevancia política. Todos los...
Hey everyone, I am looking to start actually playing Yu Jing. Over the years I’ve made a few attempts to get into the game and have a random...
Hi, I am painting both Nomadas (you can see them here ) and You Jing. In the beginning my intention was to make some red scheme...but testing it...
Hi Everybody! I've been here for a long time looking at all the awesome stuff you do so I jump in. This paint log is for sharing but actually a...
Toca migración de este tema. Recapitulemos, Podeis discutir aqui cualquier novedad o noticia relacionada con Yujing, comentar reglas y...
Do you feel that sometimes is hard to find an specific concept? Be aware, not all the concepts are published! The objective of this topic is to...