So say one was to acquire the New JSA action pack: 3x Keisotsu 1x Oniwaban 1x Kempei Chain Of Command 1x Ryūken Surprise Attack,camouflage 1x...
Another army, another thread. I've been painting a JSA army for a friend of mine over the last two years. I've originally shared some of it in...
[IMG] Finally after delaying for a month I decided to write this report. ──────────────────────── [SPOILER] ──────────────────────── This time I...
We have a list of 06/2023 OOP, so we might have an idea of the June releases: Available until to 06/01/2023:...
Hello all! I'm a hardcore RTF player, and I was looking for another Faction to play as in a more "relaxed" manner, and I've landed on the JSA. So...
Here is the indexation of an old comic by Stéphane Louis that was partially used to illustrate the N3 book. Originally the comic was in French, I...
Here is my recap of the tacticas on the Japanese Secessionist Army faction, for Infinity N4. Major rule update dates: dates to be taken into...
Greetings, I saw on the online store that the JSA sectorial army pack, Szalamandra and the AP HMG blackjack will be available only until the end...
Buenos y Helados días a todos, ayer jugué la primera partida de una liga que se está organizando en una de las tiendas de nuestra ciudad, de la...
Buen día mis amigos foreros, el titulo del tema es bien explicito, vamos a comenzar el movimiento para pedir el reesculpido del gatito Oyama, ese...
Is any esteemed forumite currently working on a N4 JSA tactica? Should I write one? (I could, but am no one, compared to other forumites, to have...
Hi, Does anyone know where I might find a PDF of the JSA list? I find it very difficult weighing up different options when I have to open up...
Apart from being really good cheerleaders, or a dirt cheap speacialist, I find it very hard to justify Keisotsu in N4. With the new crit...
As the title says, this is simply a list of small tricks and strategies that I found useful while playing JSA. Some of this will be more obvious...
[ATTACH] Sooo, Domaru Butai have a price drop around 6 to 8 points and have universal duo and Haris. Additionally Leutnant Lv2 profile with...
I took the splash about a year ago and got my hands on my first Infinity miniatures. JSA with the samurai and ninjas was my chosen faction. Then...
I may be missing some lore here, but the JSA have a station on dawn, which according to the JSA Starter pack, is on top of nessium and tessium...
Pan'O military order vs JSA; because knights vs samurais XD (edit: making it a more constructive thread) So vets of both armies what do you think...
Something I've been interested in doing for a little while is play a game of what I'm going to tentatively call 'N3.5', which is N3 but using some...
I have had a long break from infinity but am looking to come back in and was working out some lists and hope to get some feedback No.1...