Indexation of the tutorial article from Corvus Belli that was lost during their site transfert. :sunglasses::spock-hand: STEP BY STEP CRAZY...
Here is a thread indexing the Infinity N4/C1 rules tips and debates podcast videos, from the Canadian channel Guerrilla Miniature Games....
Waiting for the new comics on Infinity... Here is the indexation of several colorization tests on the two comic books of Corvus Belli by Fernando...
Indexing of the review video of the Infinity Gamer channel. Infinity Gamer Metal dice review -...
Thread for indexation lastest products. Site: Facebook: Twitter:...
There is not only Vaulsc who has made videos in the universe of Corvus Belli and more or less related... :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Here is...
Indexation of the last video tactica from Ryanj4043 channel. Ryanj4043 Infinity: 5 Changes to...
As I didn't see a news feed topic and nobody posts these nice reports anymore, here's a thread for the Paintomancy channel, a german studio of pro...
Here is a thread with tutorial videos and presentations of Vallejo's painting sets. List by Vallejo here:...
[IMG] Calendar of events [IMG] AdeptiCon – March 22nd – 26th, 2023 Gen Con Indy 2023: August 3-6 Interview Whats happening With Infinity in...
For the purpose of my recap, I'm indexing this tuto made by 4lex 0z. His article still exists but his image links have been lost. This article is...
Here is a recap, collecting the tutorials of Ariadna faction and his official schemes. If you have seen any useful tutorials to index in this...
We have a list of 03/2023 OOP, so we might have an idea of the March releases:
Indexation of the last video tactica from Ryanj4043 channel. Ryanj4043 Infinity: Can Your list Handle...
Indexation of the last video tactica from Stack The Dice channel. He put a nice mini map to better understand the maneuvers. Stack The Dice...
My little topic to index my infinitized artworks and parody artworks. Pirates of the Human Sphere I made this infinitized rework of a One...
Indexation of the last video tactica from Quiet Professional channel. Quiet Professional
Indexation of the last video tactica from Guerilla Miniatures Games channel. Guerilla Miniatures Games...
Indexation of the last video tactica from Ryanj4043 channel. Ryanj4043 - Infinity: Top 5 Tips For...
Indexation of the last video tactica from VaulSC channel. VaulSC FAQ 1.3 (infiNity N4 errata) Community...