The Dice Gods War Gaming channel has started a series of videos to explain the game, and outside of the range and game discovery videos, they just...
Para los archivos. Indexación de los enlaces del set de misiones en pdf de las Fases 01 y 02, para la campaña Durgama Takeover (2022). Contenido:...
For archives :spock-hand: Indexing of the links of the pdf missions set of the Phases 01 and 02, for the Durgama Takeover campaign (2022)....
Indexation of the last video from Infinity Gamer channel. Who did a quick tactica review and a presentation of his history. Who is Uxía...
Hi, Daily, I compiled all the links of the comic batreps, as well as the batreps that had very elaborated pictures that could make them fit in...
Indexing of the video debate about the infinity meta, from the Vaulsc channel. VaulSC Infinity META -...
Indexation news for the Durgama Takeover Infinity Online Campaign. Article:...
Indexing this info: Post: We are working on the next Interplanetario edition. It was about time!. Get...
Here is a recap of the tacticas on the Tohaa faction, for Infinity N4 (hoping for a come back with Infinity C1). Major rule update dates: dates...
As I didn't see a news feed topic and nobody posts these nice reports anymore, here's a thread for the GMG - Guerrilla Miniature Games channel...
FYI, CB didn't communicate too much outside of their ks, but they did release the Megabeasts Mission Set....
Buenas Infiniteros!! Os traemos un torneito para la zona norte en tierras riojanas, para ser mas exactos en Logroño. Espero que os animeis!!...
About a year ago or so, I did Homebrew rules for a Nigerian NA2 Army. And with N4 now upon us, I've updated them to N4 standards (ish)! Google...