Here is a topic for the spring and summer releases (May, June, July, August). Observance release calendar [SPOILER] Code One Caledar [SPOILER]...
We have a list of 05/2023 OOP, so we might have an idea of the May releases:
[IMG] Breaking News: I caught Corvus Belli's to subscribe to the pinterest of an custom dice store page: Baron Of Dice. However, this is...
Here is a thread indexing the Infinity N4/C1 rules tips and debates podcast videos, from the Canadian channel Guerrilla Miniature Games....
We have a list of 03/2023 OOP, so we might have an idea of the March releases:
Indexation of the last video tactica from Stack The Dice channel. He put a nice mini map to better understand the maneuvers. Stack The Dice...
Here are the releases for the new year 2023 : [IMG] - Wardrivers hacker - Lei Gong - Shasvastii Expansion pack alpha [SPOILER] - Corregidor...
Here are the releases for Christmas (the gift are the 2 scottish releases) : [IMG] - Scots Guard - Lei Gong, invicible Lord of Thunder =>...
Releases with pics here:
Here's a thread for the GMG - Guerrilla Miniature Games channel from Ash, to index his bi-monthly Infintiy C1 battle reports. Playlist Infinity...
Here is a recap of the tacticas on the Nomads faction (known articles), for Infinity C1. Major rule update dates: dates to be taken into account,...
Here is a recap of the tacticas on the Combined Army faction (known articles), for Infinity C1. Major rule update dates: dates to be taken into...
The Dice Gods War Gaming channel has started a series of videos to explain the game, and outside of the range and game discovery videos, they just...
Iam the law! [MEDIA]