lauhing jack said they might import some stuff this year by ordering a whole shippment continer full of stuff from the US
realy nice! did you made the adverticement posters yourself? any chnce you cold share them?
Hey guys I am planning my first board and right now thinking about getting this gaming mat...
I would support this exept for Ghost in the Shell adapations - I'm looking at you Verdic sectorial ;)
Hey - I am thinking about going to my first tournament - I started playing with vanilla nomads and invested into Hassasin Bahram now. I am...
I wonder if it's realy so huge or at least so hugely planned. Maybe the hype went kind of out of control...
Then I don't get why CA needs another fraction for balance reasons alone.
As a Nomads player if ALEPH would make an advance on the Nomads and they allie with CA by "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" I would be OK with...
It realy a shame - Zero's are such an important and iconic Nomads unit that they should have deserved a resculpt.
Will there be any possibilities to buy Warsenal Products in the Future?
Well I am using the Combi as Hacker when needed at the moment - I eill convert a model to a sniper if they will release sniper/hacker in the...
Same for me! Lot of repacks from other fractions are quite okayisch modelwise but Nomads are getting quite ugly repack miniatures. Maybe it's a...
I realy hope the Specter will be a new desgin - would bean instant buy for me the Sniper and Hacker are quite dated.
When can we expect more than speculations? I'm realy exited for a lot of the stff we will be seeing this year.
Hey guys! I like to paint close to the original painting scheme - I own both books form Angel Giraldez sadly I'm missing quite a few...