The chest and helmet are different from the Zuyong. I wouldn't mind an updated Shang Ji - that was the model that originally got me into Yu Jing. :)
You mean Margot? Technically correct, although I was thinking of proper 2W heavy infantry. Not those ariadnans playing in the dirt with their sticks.
Let's speculate as if it's not fan art (more fun!). So maybe the Enough image and hints are both the Invincible Army and a JSA split. There's...
I'm fairly sure that it's from Paradiso, as I remember seeing that picture quite a few years ago. And I've never bought any Dire Foes boxes.
Voted for Keisotsu and O-Yoroi. I do like the current keisotsu, but the are tiny! The O-Yoroi has always looked really weird to me, and not in a...
Also, why are all the profile pictures getting fuzzyfied?! It really bothers me. This current one won't work at all as it is way too detailed...
It has that new car smell!