Which missions, as for your experience, had paid back the most for such a setup ? If not keeping in consideration Lupe or Dak, none of them it is...
Never wanted to point this way, I might sounded more hard on those pieces than curios. As in the end all I wanted to get around was the idea...
Can a major number of models ( in two transductors and a jaguar, out one reaktion ) might become a drawback when it comes to deploy and overall...
For some reason I was mixing the extremely furious rule with the furios one. My sentence decade at all, after that. The jaguars keep being even...
the warcor, that's right ! 3 points of pure fun. When it comes to the Jaguars, playing solo, how do you guys overcome the fact they will become...
As for the title of this topic I was wondering which could be considered the most valid units to take in consideration when it comes to list...
Still going through the rules myself, but I read somewhere else now REM does not have anymore flash pulse. Is it confirmed? If so that will be a...
"play what works for you" I am making that phrase my mantra, as much as I can. same reason why I do really appreciate read a list build from...
@inane.imp : you really got me a lot to think about after this last post. thank you :pray: The only question I would come up with, at this...
I am still in the phase of the game where I think that ramboing into the opponent side of the table / DZ it is worthy the price I paid for my...
my bad wording. You are right. It is true the MB can hide better, but, playing it does mean you will play a more defensive game, when compared to...
got it, thanks. That make sense also based on what you mentioned at the beginning of this topic, using a MB for doing pretty much the same work,...
out of curiosity, but then, if you can choose to have a TAG why choose to use a Gecko instead ? I read about the role a Gecko might have in a...
I was planning not playing with TAG for the time being. It is nothing more than a personal choice, based on the kind of game I would like to be...
I am pretty sure about that as any army does come with a balance, between strong and weak points. So far getting an idea of what I could expect it...
Reading about USAriadna it does sound like the army does have everything you may ask for, short range templates ( even if an HFT it is not such a...
In a couple of weeks or so, I will have my league game ( Acquisition ) vs USAriadna. The whole league it is set having a restriction of max 15...
DOCTOR SHORT SKILL Optional. REQUIREMENTS The user must be in base to base contact with his target. The target must have a Wounds Attribute. The...
My bad wording. I was mentioning the mine, in order to make clear which model I was talking about. The reference to the mine it was not intended...
noob question, to follow Following the above diagram ( 2nd of the two available ), and following answers, is the only requirement for the model...