Dozer looks great here, like the grey and tan look. What color is the tactical goggles? I'm looking to make mine looks similar.
- Valued Potential Clients - We have begun to on-board new Operators into the ZSC Services Register. --Mercenary Brawlers Recent recruitment...
I am writing some content to go along with my Dahshat Company subsidiary - Zumarroda Securities Consulting - It is a multi-part story to help...
Valued Potential Clients! ZSC is proud to announce a new public-facing site for our firm. We hope to expose more in the human sphere to the...
Announcing a new division of Boylik Corp - ZUMARRODA SECURITIES CONSULTING We here at ZSC are an up-and-coming Securities Consulting Firm. Our...
Great looking stuff. Love the freehand CISR on the models and the muted colors. Nice to see some Dahshat work on the forums.
Nice work, appreciate the effort and information.