Luna is amazing! Use her in most of my games and even in Aristeia! So what do you think about the Guilang instead? Yes I know Vanilla but he...
Yes... but want to do new unexpected things
Hello Guys! Since the update of Marksmann LvL X I think about to use Pheasant Sniper in my ISS against TAK.... Have anyone here experience with him?
Hello Guys, If I play Ricochet and the Opponent plays a NO! Card did the activated Character lost his Actionpoints of his Attack or not? Because...
Hi guys! If I use Doumus gift how did I do that, if there is more than 1 blockesd space:L: (2 or 3 together) but I'm only adjacent to one of...
Hello @-V- Really like the "in depth" series on your blog, but some of the "older" charaters like TaoWu are missing... will they have an owen...
Did I understand this correctly, that for example Maximus taunted a enemy who was still activated, is still taunted until the end of his owen...
Ok THX:smiley:
Hello, I know a really old thread, but I just start Aristeia and I'm a bit confused by disengage.... Do I have to make a roll even if I only pass...
Thank you so much guys! Now everything is clear to me :-D
Hi! Thanks! But to be honest I'm more confused right now.... because what you write sounds like "Final Boss" MOD and not Zlavin MOD.......
Thank you :-) No problem with you english, my english is bad, too ;-) Now I understand how this works! But how is Player A and B choosen? I mean...
Hello Guys :slightly_smiling_face: Could somebody tell me how MOD Zlavin exactly works? It sound cool! I mean how decides/choose the your models...
Yes you are right! Damn whats going on here?
Hello, Have a question about the new FAQ that says you can not cancel your camo as you like.... so how about if I want to control a Antenna with...
Haris for Druze is back:grin: