So what you are saying is that since she has more experience than 3 akbar doctors combined she needs akbar doctor lvl 2 to account for all the...
Since stunned means you can no longer declare attacks and ARO declared after being stunned will cancel suppression fire. So the question is moot...
Does anyone other than Nomads have an intruder equivalent? I know that PanO doesn’t have the smoke access that would make it as deadly as a Nomad...
When you say templates are scary does that include skirmishers with mines?
I wish I could find that Krakot. But sadly he doesn’t show up on eBay at all. I wish they had swapped the model allocation and made the 2 SMG...
Anyone have advice on where to get chain rifles or a Close combat weapon and pistol that looks good on the double SMG Krakot renegade?
CC is almost always limited to B1 and it requires getting into Base to Base. Without 20+ CC the close combat troopers wouldn't even be competent...
I think this depends on what you are trying to engineer. Remotes? Wildcat will do great because you have a re-roll and two unconsciousness...
I will definitively be trying that after they release the new models. Thanks for the suggestion.
That is a nice variation. I could use the unspent point to get the combirifle version of the Interventor which would mean he was an LT possibility...
I have a fast panda on the Interventor already but I don’t know what I would drop to get a deployable repeater in the list.
I compared your crocman to my spectr and immediately felt the need to congratulate your faction on having the better skirmish TO model.
Ok I found an event I might attend that is using these missions Round 1: Hunting party Round 2: Acquisition Round 3: Frontline Round 4: Firefight...
Generic Nomads for the win.
I saw the plans and I am definitely buying the new version.
Both hackers and E/M can be fixed and mono CCW isn't as much of a suprise (Except for Ninjas but Sensor can spot them) A mine suddenly being a TAG...
You make great points I wonder if they worry about monofiliment mine proliferation being too discouraging of Big Expensive Toy use.
I'm going to get these three painted while I wait on my other minis to come in. [IMG] The midnight sun analyst will probably be my szalamandra...
Man those impetuous troops were well used.
If I am willing to lose the minelayer part of the Zero and the Fast panda on the LT I could easily turn the zero into a killer hacker. Which...