But my best recommendation is using a FO hunzakat incombination with a Druze link that is hacker free to lob E/M grenades at the Interventor until...
You can increase your odds if you cybermask first. Surprise Attack is your friend. Also vs Interventors and BTS 9 I recommend Skullbuster since...
Best part of the Szalamandra based list is putting a beautiful model on the table.
Things I like about Critical hits: Automatically winning the face to face Things I don’t like: Bypassing arm & BTS entirely. Compromise...
Yu Jing pays 15 for theirs or 14 for the bs 10 jsa version. Haqq & Nomads pay 17 & 18! Granted wip 14 & 15 are pretty nice. Machinists are...
If I don't mind giving up all of my forward deploy specialists I could drop the killer hacker zero and Alguacil to get a Reaktion Zond &...
The furries are the ones that scare me the most out of those. and even then mostly because the Chimera has eclipse grenades and their dodge is so...
What specifically would you use for that melee alpha strike? I was hoping that the minelayer would be discouraging of behavior like that. The...
The purpose of the Mobile Brigada in the first list is two fold: Additional armor and multi weaponry for the opponent to have to deal with on top...
Missions: Round 1: Hunting party Round 2: Acquisition Round 3: Frontline Round 4: Firefight The two lists I want to run: [SPOILER] [SPOILER]...
How is this surprising? Note how loud and noticeable the punches are this historical sercurity footage: [MEDIA]
I ended up deciding against the Lizard and instead I am running this list which has an Interventor & a KHD Zero. [IMG] Szalamadra & special...
How should we handle player infiltrates a hidden deployment or camouflaged trooper that does not have infiltrate? Some newer players will...
I’m reforming my ways to be honest. I still have more stuff bought than painted for my Nomads but I am on a strict sell more than 3 times the...
Pistols are the reason direct template weapon troopers are much scarier than people think.
I got to try my list out today. I played against my buddies Bakunin force and I got the experience the sublime joy of placing a mine in ARO to...
Why do you troll so hard sir? Why? (Please don’t stop)
A spektr sniper with a non-insane pose.
Krakot Renegade new pose with extra arms including a pistol & weapon(like the version they made impossible to buy...) and either a red fury or 2...
Has to be on a minelayer or we riot.