Pilots arms are on the side of the blackjack arm closest to the chest. He is wearing the armor like a shield.
Honestly anything mythological can work. We have greek, hindu, and others. Persian names also would work well, but there are others who know far...
Im not super up on the lore, but do we know that? add hoc formations doesnt have to mean unaquanted. Today I have sniper jimmy, tomorrow its...
I want to add that not all militaries are so rigid in their COC sequence. In the australian army a section (10 guys) broken into a rifle group and...
I think something like the speratist cleaner droids in clone wars could work: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Unarmed in impersination mode, more of an s6 rem...
Not to derail to much but can you expand this for me. I always thought the writings of buchanan on modern libertariansm to be in stark contrast to...
Absolutly it is. You cant just hand someone an achilles rambo list and expect everyone to perform well with it. Someone who plays well at 20 order...
They made us wait until a few days before release for hakim so im guessing you are just stuck waiting.
Then i guess infinity is degenerate as there is almost 0 optimized builds. There are some units that synergize well, but that is only true if they...
I think what the other posters are getting at is this attitude is extremely rare in Infinity, mostly because the game isn't structured to support...
Ment mate
Tge problem with the gorgos is for the points we have several triads that do the same but better
Yes he is only bs 12 but hes putting a -6 on the opponent, give a bomb and he has to be dealt with or avoided.
I think an lt profile would be interesting. That lt order would give it some extra push and with access to coc it would be an interesting option
What are people thoughts? what is missing from the sectorial? is it coming soon, or a long time? what would be the biggest hope you have? what...
See I never found them that good. They are only bs 11, and as soon as the third member goes down they are going to lose most shoot outs with a wet...
In my meta its all in or none. Just having one or two is either easy kill for the opponent that went all in or a waste for the opponent that...
What about a Tag with super jump? a Mechanized bot, a Tag with camo? Just becuase Pan-o spends its time complaining about how everything isnt...
The nasmat is coming on the exact same edge at the exact same time. I honestly think you just picked the wrong faction. If you wanted reliable...
I don't think i have ever heard someone say there is something wrong with az"rail aphmg