Army: all Troop: all Browser used & Operating system: iOS, iPad Pro Description: Unit / troop list spins indefinitely, never loading actual...
I could be wrong, but I had thought in N3 only the acting member would pop out of marker state for their declared order (whether legal or not),...
Fully agree with everything OP posted, adding on that the antipode assault pack (and to some extent the strelok k9 loadout) likely need adjusted...
I've had a handful of home games since march, probably around 5 in n3 and one in n4, really hoping the vaccine roll out picks up pace so i don't...
Army: N/A Troop: N/A Browser / OS: iOS iPad Description: Minimizing / Alt Tabbing from app causes list to clear, occurs both in list building mode...
I guess I don't entirely understand the level of vitriol here, I get it sucks to lose the ability to play with an army you enjoy, but if the...
Resurrecting this thread since it popped up on the WGC facebook page Seems the fire team wiki page was never updated for defiance. I’m leaning...
So my first report on the bug was a bit off, in doing some additional fiddling it seems to happen to any troop you initially add into the 10th...
Yep! Sadly I don’t have an un updated device to try it out against multiple iOS versions, but currently running 13.1.2
The update is great!! The app is fantastic, as always I have noticed an odd bug where certain units with two separate profiles (transforming...
one thing to be said for cameronians over dog warriors is cameronians get to start with their 6-4 move instead of 4-4, which lets them get up the...
Personally, I'd like the Blackjack and Ratnik to be reclassified as TAGs, stat lines adjusted accordingly. They already look the part, and lore...
Just noticed McMurrough is missing berserk on ability list btw Pumped for the update, the app makes everything go so much smoother, do you have...
Yo! So doesn’t look like equipment is being added into the spec ops xp calculations, as a heads up
So there is a lot of similarities between how resurrection works in Dan Simmons' Hyperion series and in Infinity. In Hyperion, the Catholic...
The app is fantastic, super helps keep games running smoothly! Just noticed the Libertos Freedom Fighter isn't available for any armies when SoF...
yeahhh, DeepThought is trying to come off as the smartest kid in the room and being deliberately inflammatory in every post, if they want to...
Yo! My main army I play is Caledonia and I really enjoy them, though I’m not the greatest with them on the table. I’m thinking about picking up...