Much like “tournament” doesn’t have a universal sense, neither does “competitive”. And if our definition of “competitive” doesn’t mesh with CB’s,...
However, “tournament” does not have a standard level of competitiveness. Is it a hyper-intense Satellite? Is it a get together for someone’s...
Exactly. CB will do what they feel is best for their company, based on the information they find valuable. We will or won’t purchase things,...
I know in our local meta, our regional meta, and the various social media I personally am on, the KoJ is seen as a *very* solid piece. And that’s...
It's also worth noting that, regardless of whether or not their acknowledging their gaps in knowledge or not, customers can make any...
HGB! uses alternating group activations, with each trooper typically having a Move and then an action.
The extra effort required to play a spam list quickly is also part of how they break the game. They were outside of what was wanted for Infinity,...
There’s also the point that when everything is optimized, nothing is. A frequent concern raised is minis/profiles sitting on the shelf, not...
And, again, they’re going to act as serves themselves and their company best, simple as. They depend on it as their livelihood, so they’re going...
And they’re always going to do what keeps them engaged with their work. We can like it or not.
And CB makes sure to support that.
Or one could also say the unreasonable expectations are suffocating. An OOP miniature, regardless of current support or not, is a scarce,...
My family loves them (I can't stand them) and are constantly trying the new flavors... as an aside, try Peep jousting. Put two different colored...
Nothing lasts for ever, or is on the market forever, except for Ma Deuces, BUFFs, and Herky-Birds.
And noting that sometimes things just have to be “good enough”, coupled with what other things are available to to the faction, is an important...
There’s also the fact that if someone doesn’t want it, they don’t have to pay for it.
It’s a silly chibi cross of Pulpi and a “crow” fighter. What’s not to love?
Why isn’t proxying an answer? One of our locals simply used USARF for FRRM, went fine. Painted them up as GIGN.
Personally, KoJ or KoS Hackers in a Fireteam never quite worked for me. I know it did and does for others, but they’ve always just felt best as...
The lack of “counts as” seems kind of “six of one, half a dozen of the other”. The “standard” Hackers all still fit into what is likely going to...