Al Hawwas are camo infiltrators with d-charges. Not HB units, but are good options in vanilla.
I agree, one of my favorite gaming moments was having a khawarij superjump through a window to cc an entrenched Yan Huo. Beat his ass down.
I think we need to also consider whats gonna be in rama already and whats in vanilla. A 2 wound HI supersoldier kinda steps on tariks toes a bit...
If joan has mobility and sun tze has marksman, then would saladin get leadership variant? Or maybe defender armor, S5 Arm5 bts6 6SL1 maybe... link...
Wouldnt CB be more on top of that stuff though, not portraying old or obsolete design elements in new and up to date material?
I dont know if this is the best place to post this or not, but does anyone know why the recent khawarij art from the rpg have an updated version...
I dont know who from here has seen my post on another thread, but i think giving khawarij NWI would make them perfect. Bioimmunity and NWI would...
I am loving these new models. I wish there were more dynamic poses, but these are good, except for the mk12 which ill probably remove the pistol...
While unlikely, and perhaps a little expensive, a khawarij hacker would be very strong. Wip 14 bts 3 with bioimmunity would be fair, and superjump...
Oh hell yes, if khawarij stayed the same but gained NWI, they would be perfect. That would give just the survivability edge they need without them...
Oh, the super jump bike was rumored for khanate not caliphate I'm 99% sure. However I really hope we don't get bikes in RTF, we already have Kum...
The Numair was a rumored supersoldier name, which translated to Panther. Then a few other forum goers and myself assumed that means camo/climbing...
Does anyone think an In invincible army type unit switch could happen. They thought tigers would be in but they weren't. Could naffatuns be left...
Hear me out...we get a Tarik V.2. We get tarik in power armor so he becomes S6 3wounds phys16 bs 15 etc... he can be like another tag for us.
I am soooooo fully torqued right now. I bet the old khawarij mask will make a come back as msv2.
I don't think varuna is that amazing compared to the others this year, rather just a bit more cohesive and simple. It's quite a lean meat...
My hope is it's a pistol and ccw universal proxy. People forget khawarij can hold their own in cc and I would love some dynamic jumping poses with...
Ok, lets try a little less wild speculation
Interesting idea, but hasent each new sectoral introduced some major new rule to the game? G:marionette G:jumper lvlz Decoy Tac awareness Lt. Lvl2...
Scaled up games is kinda boring and expected though. How about a co-operative way to play, like a dungeon crawler using spec ops style rules.