[ATTACH] I really think with the N4 changes TAGs in general will be way better and you will want to include them. Tactical Awareness was already...
Do you all think the inclusion of the Shakush in Ramah will make a big impact? Obviously we don't know everything about N4, but it seems to me...
Remember kids, if you point out obvious red flags about an alt-right troll poster(Nuada), you are the real troll poster. Seriously Stiopa why do...
Didn't know pointing out that a guy has nazi symbolism in his profile picture is considered trolling. No wonder alt-righters are running rampant...
[ATTACH] Imagine thinking the one of the left isn't a hate symbol aswell. Stop listening to these guys they are just alt-right trolls trying to...
Just because you have been in the community for one year longer than me doesn't mean you can ignore my point out of hand. Stop trying to deflect...
[ATTACH] Honestly Nuada is correct, alt-right symbology has infected infinity the game for too long, and it is incredibly prevalent in Ariadnan...