we just finished up Carbonite here in Edmonton and over my 4 games (got a by) I really need to melt some dice.... Biotechvore started well, I was...
Getting a crash when I open the program on my iPad mini. Shows it running in the background but kicks out to main window in a second or so. (Older...
played the grid vs JSA, finally won the Lt roll and got to go first... think that alone won me the game as he became focused on trying to hide his...
in the same boat, but still new with the monkeys and will hold out till after Feb (then might break out the tohaa for a couple months or dip into...
well can say that this has me a little curious.... https://assets.infinitythegame.net/infinityarmy/img/logos/logo_602.svg hummm...
question popped up locally: Does the xenotech deploy in the normal deployment zone, or if a mi model that meets the requirements deploys in its...
Humm.. Well if your tired of painting humans in various peices of armour... 2 suggestions: Take a good look at the alien forces, if friends own...
Don't mind running the HMG intruder, he was my go to Rambo.... Jags I don't own yet, nor the mutants or Sally... (Intend to, soonish) From...
:) a few guys locally have picked up the Tohaa, but after a year of playing nothing but i'm go back to what won me the Tohaa starter,...
hi there, been a little more than a year since i played the Nomads. (won the Tohaa box set and took them for a run to learn them) signed up for a...
just building the Tomcat box right now, like the sculpts as its easy to tell the doc from the gear. But, not to derail the conversation but is the...
don't mind too much if they take their time and do the minis/books/ whatnot right. gives me some time to get the rest i don't already have in my...
was going to say Neema as well, but i really like the Gorgos... her and her little buddy always seem to go the extra mile for me. that said, all...