The issue is that "not Being in the State" is not supported by any rule (as you are using the expression as parte of the ruleset). Immunized says...
Reference? :3
So, the State is one thing (the ruling which applies to a Character), the token is other (a physical counter which can mean or not an applied...
In fact, no. As Bachmann is Immunized, he isn't count as being Provoked, so no Tangana and no extra dice from Te voy a cascar That being said, if...
If is the case stated by @JAGS I must differ... If the Tactic or Switch requires a "State Token", it can affect Bachmann, as it only requires the...
De hecho no es que puedas, es que debes. La comparativa de Iniciativa se debe hacer siempre (aun cuando uno de los Personajes esté en la...
As far as a I recall, Tactics are not retroactive... :3
For the initial Underdog assignation, you have to use the Initial Form :Y: (4) :3
Correcto en todos los casos que planteas :3
No veo por qué no... Al ser Acción se puede declarar como Objetivo a un Aliado... Y además, no es obligatorio que sea un aliado el que ha...
Thus dealing :4: to Bachmann (as you say) Again correct (and damaging Bachmann) :3
It does, as it has been selected to be part of your Deck (even if at any moment it's removed from play) Furthermore, in Tactics: Hope this...
From the Wiki (Tactics entry) So there's no "conditional" anything, you can only play a tactic when you hit the exact timing, so if an aristo...
@CAnon can you play Holographic sight without performing an Action? :3
As the Wiki says: So, only battling Aristoi :3 (Edit: further reading, at Steup entry: :3)
Those two are only for Open tournaments using Final Boss (Semy 2.0) mod. They don't apply in any other situation... :3
This is not correct. She can deal herself 1:4: after resolving a Combat (...); but the "doesn't get damaged" clause doesn't exists. It's supposed...
As per Wiki (Place entry) So, none of your options, you play the card, Swap Kozmo and the defender, and then Place the original defender as per...
Correct. Max' Displacement happens after declaration, and HH "ram" goes before the dice roll (the order as you say) :3
Yes. Even your opponent can play Catch your breath at the same beginning of Activation that you play both cards. Remember that you shold play them...