After reading the list of new rules that are coming in the new book I didn't see anything like a new burrowing or tunnelling rule. This leads me...
It may be worth mentioning that the new Shasvastii Nox have an lgl profile that synergises well with the Avatar. Use him to lob a nimbus plus...
Wow that sounds like it could be pretty cool. Only a few days to go till everything goes up on the army builder. I feel like a little kid...
I would have to say that the Daturazi is my favourite in a vanilla list by a long shot. He is our cheapest source of smoke and can trade well both...
Would an M drone's triangulated fire negate the -1 burst mod? The rules for Triangulated fire state that it ignores all mods but does not...
I was guessing it was some sort of stun weapon. It mustn't be all that powerful though, otherwise his points relative to the multi rifle load out...
Just noticed that the Victor Messer Boarding shotgun load out has a weapon called a Dazer. Anyone got any idea what this might be?.
It would be nice to see the Exrah back one day.
I gotta say that I can see a lot of utility in the Nox fire teams. Having template weapons on your core link is awesome and firing those zappers...
The cutthroats sound like someone you want on your team. Lets hope they are as badass as they sound. I am also curios as to what a Tensho expert...
I have to admit that I am really liking the new Raicho. I keep trying to fit it into nearly every list I make. It is nice to see that CB, after...
I would suggest changing the groups around a bit. You seem to have some good attacking models like Ko Dali in your second group. I would swap them...
I regularly run vanilla lists with thirteen to fifteen orders and find them quite effective. Some of our cheaper models are really good. Pretas...
I think that by calling the new expansion "Daedalus Fall" they were attempting to make it sound all cool and mysterious. Perhaps it was an attempt...
The two new looking things both seem to be floating in the air, they look to have a posture that is more human than frog and their face masks and...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I am curious as to what these things are. My guess is that the one on the right is a new Speculo Killer but the other...
The spiky thing on the on the back of the sphinx is more of a central dorsal fin. This thing has it's fins sticking out more to the side. Also the...
If you run your legate as a hacker you should be able to pull a few tricks that can even up the odds. Firstly cybermask gives allows him to...
I would like to see some more viable link teams. Currently Gwailos are the only semi viable link and to be honest they are not that great. The...
Personally I would love to see an aspect sectoral although currently there are not enough troop types to make a decent sectoral. Currently I...