Does the calculator apply the Fatality L1 upgrade to TAGs? Could we maybe get a checkbox for it in case some people don't play ITS?
Sometimes I wish CB would bite the bullet and edit the rules PDF and wiki directly to reflect changes in FAQ or otherwise fix confusing/broken rules.
Technically that wouldn't prevent Engineer rerolls if it is indeed just the presence of any Ghost equipment that requires, as stated in the...
Can you reroll a failed Engineer roll with a Command Token if the target has G: Mnemonica? Apparently G:M is an exception to the Ghost equipment...
Allright, what about a reverse situation where the enemy IS actually in the ZoC, but the player controlling the ARO troop thinks it's not so does...
What happens when a trooper declares a ZoC ARO such as Change Facing but during the Resolution phase it is found that the trooper was not actually...
A collection of good stuff:
Fuck it, I'm feeling generous: [MEDIA]
Apex Legends is pritti gud. And it's rising quite fast as well:
LGL is 1 SWC, Smart Missile is 1.5 SWC. That's enough of a reason for some. But as a Nomad player, I almost always pick one in my lists.
Potentially you could get lucky and get a hit on your first try, then you wouldn't have to spend a second order. FO'ing someone isn't as easy as...
It's potentially more effective to just ignore the FO and just spam two orders on the grenade launcher.
Also, according to this source, Titanfall 3 was definitely in development in 2017 before EA bought Respawn:...
It also means there won't be a Titanfall 3 coming. I'm guessing it won't be long before EA shuts down Respawn.
Apex Legend is apparently the canceled Titanfall 3.
If a trooper with Protheion and NWI gets wounded and activates its NWI state and later uses its Protheion to get an extra wound, would it still...
I get more depressed every time I read the sixth sense rules.
Hacking Area is not the same as ZoC though, so repeaters won't help you.
I feel Elisabeth should lean forward a bit more. Her stance does not look balanced,