What about something like this out of of gate: [img] Steel Phalanx ────────────────────────────────────────────────── [img]10 [img]2 [img]...
JSA Army Box + Keisotsu SWC box is a solid start. Shinobu, Saito, and Yojimbo are your only sources of smoke in the entire Sectorial, so you're...
Moved my list to a new post. I have mostly used my Tankos/Domaru/Neko(Domaru for FT purposes), since I've started playing.
Welcome. I just started playing myself. These models look great.
Yeah my deployment was not great I did not have that wide open lane covered properly. I honestly have been reading up on that model for my YuJing...
Yeah, he ran right thru my Anti-personnel mine, shrugged off the damage with a nicely spiked roll. The amount of destruction that model can deal...
I totally was pitched an offer for this box, at a price I could not refuse(like stupid cheap). The models are fantastic, and it seemed like some...
So, I actually played my second online mission. It was against a guy running Yu-Jing. He went first, and deployed first. It didn't click what...
I see your point, I have't read the fluff. I meant it in nothing but the most casual levity. As an old Vet, I knew a ton of Officers that I...
I've played that link several times, I usually squeeze Neko in there, because I love that model. I find Neko doesn't get as much done as I'd like...
.LOL. Isn't one man's war criminal, another man's hero? Just depends on who wins the war right? If I run her, I run her with a Kempetai Chain of...
Also, that terrain, what is that? It's amazing.
These are so good. You using illustrator to put them together?
Always learn something in your posts, thank you.
Yes, i ran into that two weeks ago. I'll probably need a bit of rework on that list.
Awesome. So the Oniwaban's will be the stars, or at least make him think, and maybe shake a bit. He made it sound like plural, but I don't see...
First battle into the Kurage Station begins tomorrow for me. I've been challenged by a guy in my meta, and he will be playing a Vedic Themed Aleph...
So, I'm very new to the game, like two months in...I have no clue about what happened before, but really want to participate for several reasons....
He was frustrating for sure, and there is some gappage.