Hello there, fellow Haqqislamites! Yesterday a buddy of mine and I managed to squeeze another game into our weekend, so I figured I’d post a...
Love the subdued orange on the Shang-Ji. Would you mind sharing how you achieved this?
Take my money!
I'd point out that Sombra aren't HI, but then I'd just have to admit that being HI is actually a drawback. So I'll just say that Sombras don't...
Isnt the bearpode plastic, too?
And that's on a profile that wants to be jumping and climbing a lot of the time. This model on top of a building is an accident waiting to happen.
Hawkins does remind me quite a bit of the typical ork boy pose. Choppa raised, slugga pointing forward, head slightly hunched between the...
The Marut will 100% find her way on my table and I'm very worried that the upcoming Aleph release wave will require an even larger investment....
Yeah, I'm not too hot on this shikami. When I saw the thumbnail, I was really hoping for the "perched on a roof" pose. Metal Naginata is also a...
I'm about 3/4 through on the ebook version and pleasantly surprised. The first half focussed on squad/platoon level dynamics as the conflict...
MHMG also gets EXP ammo in anti materiel mode instead of DA. Not sure how much that affects the pricing but it's something to consider.
a) is correct Unit names are not relevant in this context, only the terms in brackets matter.
I fully expect them to receive an overhaul and re-release at some point down the line when a new sculpt is warranted. They are already a bit out...
Yeah, let's not have a HRMC in a link please. The Yan Huo may not be an optimized choice nowadays but he's far from unusable. A BS14 2W ARM5 HRMC...
I just pounced on this offer as well, awesome work on yours!
Oh I see, I misread Triumph's initial post. They can provide the pitcher for the Brigada hacker to use.
Or we just finally release Weathercocks TAG and make an ISS exclusive Sun Tze marksman V3 TAG based on that? Dedicated TAG LT could become a new...
I just checked the fireteam options and it doesn't look like you can form fire teams between either Azrail and Druze or Brigada and Druze. What am...
Dunno why someone would say that tbh. Druze have much better fire team options in their native sectorial. That being said, a Druze Haris +...
Hi everyone, I need your opinion on something. I have the two N3/N4 Daofei here, but I'm not super happy with the fact that both sculpts feature...