The Artwork for Valkyrie looks so badass! Hope they make the mini equally cool looking. Will absolutly play Foreign Company for the SoF alone. A...
Haha i made it a whole hobby to write Joan Doomlink lists lately. xD I currently have ca. 10 lists i want to try at some point. Most of them only... Joan Doomlink ────────────────────────────────────────────────── [img]5...
The only way the linkteams in this list to add up is if one OS and the KoS link with the Magisters and the Teuton. The second OS joins the...
As far as i know she can't join after casualties. The way the Crusader Fireteam rules are worded implies on the battelfield she only can join a...
Yeah i know but i simply don't like the models in the starter box that much. I like the look of the newer OS models more and the Corc Man seems...
There is not much new I can bring to the discussion however I realized there is not much talk (and lists) about the classic Joan Doomlink since...
Fullfills the 10 orders and specialist requierment but probably nonetheless too meme. xD...
Hi there follow MO players, i read a lot on these forums but haven’t posted anything yet. With the MO update and some of the valid criticisms...