@Dragonstriker , In the relevant work I'm referring to what isn't fact? Because all I'm seeing is you calling names as an excuse to ignore...
Just try watching the documentary. Your apparent worship of a flawless America that could never possibly be validly criticized is fine, I don't...
You seem to be having difficulties understanding the difference between threatening exercises and an actual blockade. As much as both are serious...
So lets say "going forward" CB decided they had made a terrible mistake and tried to fix this. What the hell would that look like? From game...
Freedom of Navigation is an Orwellian title for "practicing a blockade as an act of sabre rattling aggression". Hell not just practicing, placing...
Try watching some real Australian journalism. John Pilger has put together a very solid documentary called "The Coming War With China". It's a...
You can make all the excuses you like over the south China sea. But again, I already asked the question. What if China practiced naval...
Yes. That China. I know. Crazy right? But complex issues be complex. Also your comments about "base load" (a dead give away you've been reading...
So, the USA and it's local client states? But anyway, importantly the international waters in question are right off China's coast and consist of...
That is unfortunate for you. But the fact is on many major issues that have created massive grass roots anger and disappointment in the west......
One of the many things that is stupid about this mess is that I don't think CB has a firm grasp on the modern cutting edge "weeb" culture, or...
I see lots of problems with the future for the JSA fluff wise and mechanically. My biggest concern is this. By the looks of things CB has...
I wouldn't even say I'm calling for a hard boycott or rage quitting the game. That's not what I'm doing. I'm just not buying more stuff until I...
So hey. Enthusiasm, recruiting drive, go big in the next campaign... I'm sorry but that is an incredibly bad idea. If Yu Jing does see an actual...
Are you seriously going to pretend you do not understand what you have just been told. Vanilla+JSA is two numbers added together to get a total....
Did you just tell everyone to trust everyone defending the book with wait and see by telling us the guy attacking the book has also read it. I'm...
Infinity, now full of illegal silk "snugglers".
I think I am "not OK' with the split itself, the decision of exactly what was split (really, only the ninja, really?), the fictional fluff...
That isn't his point, its a (highly conditionally) true fact he has inserted into a rant about how gay men shouldn't be allowed to have families...
Hypothetically if say, his actual claim that gay people are (in some unspecified way) bad parents based on "a government study" that was totally...