I think it's pretty clear if this is the best standard of "progressing the story" even after supposedly considering many (hell, ANY, other...
Yes it does, for every company. That's why it is always so disappointing to time and again see fans of various products believing that "their"...
Even though I would have preferred that strategy and think it would have been a largely viable one in the short term and a better one long term......
This... needs to be a bullet point on a "Danger signs you may be personally over invested in a gaming product" listicle.
But not all the stuff is it? Even as a Yu Jing sectorial JSA had some (sub factional) exclusivity. CB uses factional exclusivity as a marketing...
That requires a belief that A) Faction exclusivity isn't a marketing tool and B) that CB can't make bad marketing decisions.
Mao, if you insist on believing every last little obviously false marketing claim that's not my problem. But suffice it to say, I'm not falling...
@AdmiralJCJF You think pointing at say... oh gee... where to look... the heavy marketing of a major new release boxed product that also hopes to...
@A Mao Esquerda Do you actually believe this split was driven by a dedication to utter inevitability in fiction and NOT by a marketing related...
Oh it's far more complex than that. And I did note that only fluff fans who managed to remain fluff fans despite the situation might be involved...
That's probably a joke and that's cool, but actually... part of the problem with this is that it actually does encourage a conflict between...
Painting a faction in a weakened state would be one thing. I mean sure, "Oooh this month Yu Jing gets trash talked down in the fluff, feel the...
"Generic" warnings just coincidentally punctuating a discussion daring to call bad writing bad. "Generic" warnings you have now clarified are...
First of all, yeah even the worst of the whole thread is pretty tame, I don't know which internet you've been living in if you believe otherwise....
Previously I trusted CB products to be what they were expected to be and to stay that way and spent my money on them with very little restraint....
I'm not burning good will with my local distributor by demanding a refund of money they thought they rightfully earned for reasons outside of...
Really because the "unpleasant negativity" people seemed "concerned" about looks to me like at worst, people calling someone a bad writer. And not...
And notice how the actually tiny minority suddenly very concerned about toxic negativity (and really, wow, they think the very mild place this...
I'll say it again. If you do that you make CBs recent decisions and actions with Yu Jing an objective success. "Can we TROLL Yu Jing players...
It's not about obligations, its about smart marketing and growing rather than shrinking player enthusiasm and communities. Think of it this way,...