Just curious if anyone has pictures of the new ALEPH Rem's that just came out. Specifically the 2 that are not shown in the promotional pictures....
Finally got to play with a Rudra yesterday and it was the best of a "worst case scenario" situation as my opponent and I were playing...
Perfect, that's what I figured I just wanted to make sure, not used to seeing double profiles for mercenary units. Now he's all registered and...
Random question about Father Sforza, does he have 2 profiles now? As in 1 for OSS and 1 for being a Merc? Seems much easier to hide him now that...
You sir are kind and awesome!
As an ALEPH player I would love that! I would also love to know what/if the 4th model in that pack will be.
I got all excited when I saw "Rocket Launcher" on the video, but then realized it's probably just the missile launcher since there is no HRL profile.
Agreed. I'm not sure what I was hoping for when I heard they were being redesigned. If anything these will make an excellent substitute for the...
Yeah that does make a lot more sense when you think about "what action is taking place". No time for buttons, gotta kill it faster!
Lol, seems so strange they can't reset but they can dodge? But again very different actions. Thanks for the feedback/clarification :)
Came up in a game yesterday. If I use an Impetuous order and move into range of a repeater, and an enemy hacker declares a hacking ARO, can I...
So, anyone else notice the Asura hacker has a Multi Rifle? At least according the the picture on the exclusive pack. Looking like a profile update...
Maybe it's a Dakini at a different angle making it look like wings? The old Dakini HMG kinda looks like he has small wings on this back: [IMG]
Maybe it's a new Deva profile with a Sniper?