Someone ask about French version in Q&A section of kickstarter and answer was maybe (depending on number of French backers), so nothing certain.
You need nice looking S5 Red Fury? Taskmaster ( boxed one ) :sunglasses:
I think the White Company has evolved in the meantime in StarCo. There was a picture at the time of the first edition that presented the White...
Yup, it will be like last year . Andvance pack was relased on Gencon and then split at the end of the year.
Did you see that ? An alternative proposition for...
But you will, you will :sunglasses: I recently bought two boxes for Nomads, Zondnautica has a new box, and Puppetnautica has a new box and new...
And anaconda shoulder pad turned over. :grinning:
And Nomads Joan, sitting in the corner and playing a mobile game on her comlog. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Is Joan new Mushashi ? :laughing:
MEK = methyl ethyl ketone also known as methyl ethyl death :sunglasses:. Be very careful using it because stuff is not very healthy.
Something short and wide, maybe a cleaver?
Are they misterious Taigha ?
Not on everything, Aristeia unboxing was with Visualrama (or something like this). :sunglasses: If I remember correctly, Oxyd is a channel on...
There are new bases in video, one with painted marking and one unpainted. It is about 8:50.
It is similar to Nomads shoes .
I think it can be a device for marking targets.
Also ADHL used by Ariadna is on license form Nomads. :sunglasses:
I thik that is because long time ago (before NA2) StarCo was White Star company . They probably changed name to StarCo when they start working on...
Ok, we know it will be Alguacil medkit and Fusilier FO. We can say that it will be similar for other factions (Deva for Aleph, Zanshi for Yu Jing,...
He was unlucky and was released while CB tried to rescale the Nomads weapon (which failed). I think that only him and Riot Grrrls box was released...